SWAMP Data Checker Lookup Lists
Supported by the State Water Resources Control Board

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

SWAMP Data Management Resources Webpage --- Checker Home --- Data Submittal Form

List: CollectionMethodLookUp

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ActiveSamplerActiveSamplerSample collected by continuous active sampler.
Algae_EMAPAlgae_EMAPEMAP collection method for algae samples
Algae_EPA_NWSAlgae_EPA_NWSEPA Non wadeable streams for algae samples
Algae_RWBAlgae_Reach-WideBenthosReach-Wide Benthos collection method for freshwater algae samples
Algae_RWB1_SFEelAlgae_RWB1_SFEelAlgae RWB1 South Fork Eel River samples
Algae_SCCWRPAlgae_SCCWRPSCCWRP collection method for algae samples
Algae_SNARLAlgae_SNARLSNARL collection method for algae samples
Algae_SWAMPAlgae_SWAMPSWAMP collection method for algae samples
Algal Mat_BenthicAlgal Mat_BenthicAlgal mat attached to benthic substrate. Filamentous algae and/or cyanobacteria colonies attached together in a layer that appears as a mat. Algal mat consist of layers of loosely associated organisms (easily separated by hand) or tough mat.
Algal Mat_SurfaceAlgal Mat_SurfaceAlgal mat detached from benthic substrate. Filamentous algae and/or cyanobacteria colonies attached together in a layer that appears as a mat. Algal mats consist of layers of loosely associated organisms (easily separated by hand) or tough mats.
AutoSampler24h24 hour auto samplerSample is integrated over 24 hours
AutoSampler3h3 hour auto samplerSample is integrated over 3 hours
AutoSampler4.5h4.5 hour auto samplerSample is integrated over 4.5 hours
AutoSampler7d7 day auto samplerSample is integrated over 7 days
AutoSamplerStormAuto sampler automatically triggeredSample is integrated over length of storm
BagBagOrganisms were deployed in a bagged enclosure is not maintained with a treatment
Bag_MNTBag maintainedBags are maintained with a treatment
BMI_ArtSubBMI_ArtificialSubstrateArtificial Substrate collections for benthic macroinvertebrates (BMI) samples
BMI_CSBP_CompBMI_CSBP_CompositeCSBP collection method for composited (i.e., samples from distinct transects were combined) freshwater benthic macroinvertebrate (BMI) samples
BMI_CSBP_TransBMI_CSBP_TransectsCSBP collection method for non-composited (i.e., samples from distinct transects were processed separately) freshwater benthic macroinvertebrate (BMI) samples
BMI_DRIFTBMI_Drift_NetDrift net sample to collect benthic and terrestrial organisms floating in free flowing water of streams or rivers
BMI_RWBBMI_Reach-WideBenthosReach-Wide Benthos collection method for freshwater benthic macroinvertebrate (BMI) samples
BMI_RWB_MCMBMI_Margin-Ctr-MarginMargin-Center-Margin collection method for freshwater benthic macroinvertebrate (BMI) samples
BMI_RWB1_SFEelBMI_RWB1_SFEelBMI RWB1 South Fork Eel River collections
BMI_SNARLBMI_SNARLSNARL collection method for freshwater benthic macroinvertebrate (BMI) samples; collected from 5 randomly selected riffles
BMI_TRCBMI_TargetedRiffleCompositeTargeted Riffle Composite collection method for freshwater benthic macroinvertebrate (BMI) samples
Bryo_DSBryo_DryStreamsBryophyte collection method for dry stream samples
CageCageHard cage structure is not maintained with a treatment
Cage_MNTCage maintainedHard cage structure is maintained with a treatment
FieldField MethodMethod for measures collected in the field
Field_ContField_ContinuousMethod for continuous measures collected in the field
Fish_EMAPFish_EMAPEMAP collection method for fish samples
FishDerbyFish DerbyOrganism collected by non-agency personnel during fish derby
Habitat_CSBPHabitat_CSBPCSBP collection method for physical habitat (PHAB) characteristics
Habitat_EMAPHabitat_EMAPEMAP collection method for physical habitat (PHAB) characteristics
Habitat_GenericHabitat_GenericUsed for SWAMP field observations or as a Generic collection method for physical habitat (PHAB) characteristics that are not collected using a specific method
Habitat_SNARLHabitat_SNARLSierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory (SNARL) collection method for physical habitat (PHAB) characteristics
Habitat_SWAMPHabitat_SWAMPSWAMP collection method for physical habitat (PHAB) characteristics
HookHook And LineHook and Line used to collect sample
Lentic_CSBPLentic_CSBPCSBP collection method for lentic samples
MI_RWBMI_Reach-WideBenthosReach-Wide Benthos collection method for freshwater macroinvertebrate (MI) samples
NetNetNet used to collect sample e.g. fyke net, gill net, cast net, plankton net
Not ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable, use for LABQA, FieldQA and Field Observations
Not RecordedNot RecordedCollection method not recorded
PassiveSamplerPassiveSamplerSample collected by continuous passive sampler.
ScumScumBuoyant microorganisms or detritus that form scum (or foam); found on the surface of water or pushed on shore.
Sed_CoreSediment_CoreMethod for sediment core collection
Sed_GrabSediment_GrabMethod for generic sediment collection that was either grab or integrated
SeineSeineused for beach seine collection
ShockShockEboat or back-pack electroshock methods used to collect sample
SpearSpearSpear fishing used to collect sample
TerInvt_T_DSTerrInvert_Trap_DryStreamsTrap collection method for dry stream terrestrial invertebrate samples
TerInvt_V_DSTerrInvert_Veg_DryStreamsVegetative bag collection method for dry stream terrestrial invertebrate samples
Tissue_GrabTissue_GrabMethod for generic tissue collection
TrapTrapTrap used to collect organism
TrawlTrawlTrawl used to collect sample e.g. otter trawl
Water_GrabWater_GrabMethod for generic water collection that was either grab or integrated
Water_Integrated_DepthWater_Integrated_DepthMultiple samples collected at varying depths from a single point along a vertical column, that are combined to create a single sample.
Water_Integrated_HorizontalWater_Integrated_HorizontalMultiple grab samples collected at a single depth from various points along horizontal path, that are combined to create a single sample.