SWAMP Data Checker Lookup Lists
Supported by the State Water Resources Control Board

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

SWAMP Data Management Resources Webpage --- Checker Home --- Data Submittal Form

List: FractionLookUp

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<0.0039 mmClay <0.0039 mm particle size Phi >8;Wentworth Scale
<0.005 mmClay <0.005 mm particle size;ASTM Scale
<0.0625 mmFines <0.0625 mm; Passing No 230 Sieve;Wentworth Scale
<0.075 mmFines <0.075mm particle size; Passing No. 200 Sieve;ASTM Scale
=>256 mmBoulder =>256 mm particle size or Phi =<-8;Wentworth Scale
=>300 mmBoulder =>300 mm particle size;ASTM Scale
0.0039 to <0.0625 mmSilt 0.0039 to <0.0625 mm particle size Phi 8 to >4;Wentworth Scale
0.005 to <0.075 mmSilt 0.005 to <0.075 mm particle size;ASTM Scale
0.0625 to <2.0 mmSand 0.0625 to <2.0 mm particle size or Phi 4 to >-1;Wentworth Scale
0.075 to <4.75 mmSand 0.075 to <4.75 mm particle size;ASTM Scale
2.0 to <4.0 mmGranule 2.0 to <4.0 mm particle size or Phi -1 to >-2;Wentworth Scale
2.0 to <64 mmGranule + Pebble 2.0 to <64 mm particle size or Phi -1 to >-6;Wentworth Scale
4 to <64 mmPebble 4 to <64 mm particle size or Phi -2 to >-6;Wentworth Scale
4.75 to <75 mmGravel 4.75 to <75 mm particle size;ASTM Scale
64 to <256 mmCobble 64 to <256 mm particle size or Phi -6 to >-8;Wentworth Scale
75 to <300 mmCobble 75 to <300 mm particle size;ASTM Scale
Aboveabove waterline;Reg2 trash Assesment
Above Bankfull ChannelAbove Bankfull Channel
Belowbelow waterline;Reg2 trash Assesment
ClayFraction of Analyte Fine, Descriptor Used with Grain size analysis (ASTM Method)
Coarse 0.00195 to <0.0039 mmCoarse Clay; 0.00195 to <0.0039 mm Phi 9 to >8;Wentworth Scale
Coarse 0.031 to <0.0625 mmCoarse Silt; 0.031 to <0.0625 mm Phi 5 to >4;Wentworth Scale
Coarse 0.5 to <1.0 mmCoarse Sand; 0.5 to <1.0 mm Phi 1 to >0;Wentworth Scale
Coarse 2.0 to <4.75 mmCoarse Sand 2.0 to <4.75 mm;ASTM Scale
DissolvedPortion of sample that passes through a physical membrane or filter no larger than 1.0 um (or as defined by the analysis method)
FecalUsed with Coliform
Fine <0.00098 mmFine Clay; <0.00098 mm Phi >10;Wentworth Scale
Fine 0.0078 to <0.0156 mmFine Silt; 0.0078 to <0.0156 mm Phi 7 to >6;Wentworth Scale
Fine 0.075 to <0.425 mmFine Sand 0.075 to <0.425 mm;ASTM Scale
Fine 0.125 to <0.25 mmFine Sand; 0.125 to <0.25 mm Phi 3 to >2;Wentworth Scale
First SupplementalFirst Supplemental
In Bankfull ChannelIn Bankfull Channel
Large 128 to <256 mmLarge Cobble; 128 to <256 mm Phi -7 to >-8;Wentworth Scale
Large 16 to <32 mmLarge Pebble; 16 to <32 mm Phi -4 to >-5;Wentworth Scale
Medium 0.00098 to <0.00195 mmMedium Clay; 0.00098 to <0.00195 mm Phi 10 to >9;Wentworth Scale
Medium 0.0156 to <0.031 mmMedium Silt; 0.0156 to <0.031 mm Phi 6 to >5;Wentworth Scale
Medium 0.25 to <0.5 mmMedium Sand; 0.25 to <0.5 mm Phi 2 to >1;Wentworth Scale
Medium 0.425 to <2.0 mmMedium Sand 0.425 to <2.0 mm;ASTM Scale
Medium 8 to <16 mmMedium Pebble; 8 to <16 mm Phi -3 to >-4;Wentworth Scale
Not Recordednot recorded
ParticulatePortion of sample that remains on the filter after filtration
Second SupplementalSecond Supplemental
SiltFraction of Analyte Fine, Descriptor Used with Grain size analysis (ASTM Method)
Small 4 to <8 mmSmall Pebble; 4 to <8 mm Phi -2 to >-3;Wentworth Scale
Small 64 to <128 mmSmall Cobble; 64 to <128 mm Phi -6 to >-7;Wentworth Scale
Third SupplementalThird Supplemental
TotalA whole quantity; for example unfiltered or sum of all isomers
Total + OrganicTotal + Organic
V. Coarse 1.0 to <2.0 mmVery Coarse Sand; 1.0 to <2.0 mm Phi 0 to >-1;Wentworth Scale
V. Fine 0.0039 to <0.0078 mmVery Fine Silt; 0.0039 to <0.0078 mm Phi 8 to >7;Wentworth Scale
V. Fine 0.0625 to <0.125 mmVery Fine Sand; 0.0625 to <0.125 mm Phi 4 to >3;Wentworth Scale
V. Large 32 to <64 mmVery Large Pebble; 32 to <64 mm Phi -5 to >-6;Wentworth Scale