SWAMP Data Checker Lookup Lists
Supported by the State Water Resources Control Board

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

SWAMP Data Management Resources Webpage --- Checker Home --- Data Submittal Form

List: QALookUp

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ANISample results for structural isomers may have contribution from their isomeric pair
AUDEToxicity test endpoint data of unknown quality
AUDWWater parameter data of unknown quality
AWMDetection limit increased due to dilution prior to final sample volume (not a secondary dilution)
AYMatrix interference suspected
BAnalyte found in reagent blank, indicates possible reagent or background contamination
BBSample > 4x spike concentration
BBMSample > 2X but less than 4X spike concentration
BELow surrogate recovery; analyzed twice
BFRESample influenced by fire
BITRInsufficient taxonomic resolution to calculate CSCI
BLMCompound unidentified or below the RL due to overdilution
BLNOLow number of organisms, may impact CSCI calculation
BNTXSample did not contain organisms for taxonomic identification needed to conduct calculations
BQCTaxonomy External Quality Control
BRKSample not analyzed, sample container broken
BRKASample container broken but analyzed
BSInsufficient sample available to follow standard QC procedures
BSALSample influenced by saline conditions
BSCRSample influenced by scour or suspected scour event
BTInsufficient sample to perform the analysis
BUCMUntested or unknown benthic macroinvertebrate collection method
BUTPSampling conducted during unrepresentative time period for CSCI calculation
BVSample received after holding time expired
BWIMPortion of upstream tributary watershed for benthic macroinvertebrates is in Mexico
BXSample stored at improper temperature
BYSample received at improper temperature
BZSample preserved improperly
BZ15Sample not filtered within 15 minutes
CPesticide result confirmed using GC/MS- EPA Flag
CESample not homogeneous
CFAConversion factor applied to value to maintain comparability with historic dataset measured using a different digest/extract or analytical method
CINValue outside confidence interval
CJAnalyte concentration is in excess of the instrument calibration; considered estimated
CNPcalibration not performed
CQAConcentration not reported for QA sample only % Recovery or RPD reported
CSQC criteria not met due to analyte concentration near RL
CSGBacteria result calculated using a subset of grids when the filter is too concentrated
CTQC criteria not met due to high level of analyte concentration
CZMproject sample was heterogeneous and sample homogeneity could not be readily achieved using routine laboratory practices, therefore RPD was outside the specified acceptance limits
DEPA Flag - Analytes analyzed at a secondary dilution
DBQA results outside of acceptance limits due to matrix effects
DFReporting limits elevated due to matrix interferences
DRLSpike concentration is less than RL
DRMSpike amount less than 5X the MDL
DSBatch Quality Assurance data from another project
DTMethod detection limit elevated
EDTAEDTA added to Selenastrum capricornutum toxicity test
EUMLCS is outside of control limits
FSample mistakenly filtered
FCLField calibration not performed within 24 hours before use
FDCDrift check not acceptable
FDIField instrument displaced but still deployed in water
FDOField instrument displaced and removed from water
FDPField duplicate RPD above QC limit
FDRDry Channel
FDSDry Site
FEUEquipment Unavailable
FIALocation was inaccessible to obtain a measurement
FIBField instrument buried
FIFInstrument/Probe Failure
FIOField instrument above water level
FIPField instrument vandalized, fouled, or otherwise in poor condition
FLVVelocity too low to be measured
FNMno documentation of the field measurement collection exists
FOEstimated maximum possible concentration (EMPC)
FSToo Shallow for probe measurement
FTDLocation was too deep to obtain a measurement
FTTWater too turbid to measure
FUDUnable to deploy instrument
FXAnalyte present in the instrument blank
GBMatrix spike recovery not within control limits
GBCCRM analyte recovery not within control limits
GCSecond column confirmation performed
GDsecondary column result
GIDAIsotope Dilution Analogue recovery not within control limits
GNSurrogate recovery is outside of control limits
GRInternal standard recovery is outside method recovery limit
HA holding time violation has occurred.
H22Sample exceeds incubation period of 18-22 hours.
H24Holding time was > 24 hours for Bacteria tests only
H8Holding time was > 8 hrs but < 24 hours for Bacteria tests only
HHResult exceeds linear range; concentration may be understated
HNO2Holding time violation occurred on the NO2 concentration used for NO3 calculation.
HRPost-digestion spike
HTAnalytical value calculated using results from associated tests
HXSpike recovery out of limits, but QC batch considered in control
IDAIsotope Dilution Analogue corrected
IESurrogate not added to this sample
IFSample result is greater than reported value
ILRPD exceeds laboratory control limit
ILMRSD exceeds control limit
ILNRlog exceeds control limit
ILORlog not calculated because concentration below RL
IMMethod does not include this analyte as part of compound list
IPAnalyte detected in field or lab generated blank
IPRLAnalyte detected in field or lab generated blank, >RL
ISReporting limit elevated due to pres. of analyte in method blank
JEstimated value - EPA Flag
JAAnalyte positively identified but quantitation is an estimate
KPeak detected, but did not meet quantification criteria, value represents estimated maximum concentration
LBResult negatively biased
LCLaboratory Contamination
LRJData rejected - Estimated value - EPA Flag, flagged by laboratory
LRQData rejected - Based on professional judgement QA/QC protocols were not met, flagged by lab
LSTSample was lost or destroyed
MA matrix effect is present
MBMMethod (lab generated) blank missing from batch
MBPMethod (lab generated) blank did not go through entire preparation and analytical process
MNMethod procedures not followed
MOINo associated % moisture results and therefore should not be compared to dry weight thresholds
NTentatively Identified Compound
NBCValue not blank corrected
NCAnalyte concentration not certifiable in Certified Reference Material
NGThe reported result is a negative value
NMDLNo Method Detection Limit reported from laboratory
NoneNone - No QA Qualifier
NRNot Recorded
NRLNo Reporting Limit reported by the laboratory
OAAnalyte over range when run undiluted. Diluted result below PQL
OVResult is averaged
PEvidence analyte present
PGCalibration verification outside control limits
PGNSurrogate recovery is within the lab or method defined acceptance criteria, but is outside of project-specific control limits
PIPrimary and confirmation results varied by > than 40%
PILRPD is within the lab or method defined acceptance criteria, but is outside of project-specific control limits
PJResult from re-extract/re-anal to confirm original MS/MSD result
PJMResult from re-extract/re-anal to confirm original result
PJNResult from re-extract/re-analysis for QC purposes only
PRMLow survival in toxicity test resulted from test interference due to pathogen-related mortality
PUMLCS recovery is within the lab or method defined acceptance criteria, but is outside of project-specific control limits
QQuestionable result
QAXWhen the native sample for the MS/MSD or DUP is not included in the batch reported
QGIndividual analyte exceedances allowed per NELAC
RData rejected - EPA Flag
RCIThe method detection limit is elevated due to chromatographic interference; MDL is reported as equal to RL
REElevated reporting limits due to limited sample volume
RLSTReplicate lost or destroyed
RMDLData rejected - Spike concentration is less than MDL
RPVSample failed to meet representativeness requirements
SCSurrogate Corrected Value
SCRScreening level analysis
SLMAnalyte results for R1 and/or R2 were lower than 10 times the MDL, therefore RPD acceptance limits do not apply
TAAmmonia precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit
TABTest organisms do not meet the minimum age limit at test initiation
TACAlternative control used in toxicity statistical analysis
TAETest organisms exceed age limit at test initiation
TAMToxicity test organism age at test start is not recorded
TCConductivity precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit
TCFAlternative control does not meet test acceptability criteria
TCIConductivity insufficient for test species
TCTConductivity tolerance exceeded for test species
TDDO precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit
THHardness precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit
THSHydrogen sulfide precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit
TKAlkalinity precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit
TMOTest organisms escaped or are otherwise missing
TNCToo numerous to count
TNSOnly neonate counts from surviving adults were used in the analysis
TOQNumber of organisms in a toxicity test do not meet the minimum quantity per replicate at test initiation or an unequal quantity of organisms per replicate is used
TPpH precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit
TRTest conditions not acceptable (temp, light)
TSSalinity precision or accuracy exceeds laboratory control limit
TWWater quality parameters outside recommended test method ranges
TWNRequired water quality parameters not measured
UJAnalyte was not detected above the reported sample quantitation limit.Reported quantitation limit is approx. & may not represent the actual limit of quantitation necessary to accurately and precisely measure the analyte in the sample.
UKMLock mass interference present
ULMAnalyte detected in associated bottle blank check
UOLResult determined to be an outlier at the time of data validation
UTSample value was blank corrected
VBBSample > 4x spike concentration, flagged by QAO
VBTInsufficient sample to perform the analysis, flagged by QAO
VBYSample received at improper temperature, flagged by QAO
VBZSample preserved improperly, flagged by QAO
VBZ15Sample not filtered within 15 minutes, flagged by QAO
VCResult was calculated by DMT when not provided for DNQ ResQualCode, value 1/2 distance between MDL and RL, flagged by QAO
VCINValue outside confidence interval, flagged by QAO
VCOSample analyte concentration detectable but <5X blank concentration (contamination), flagged by QAO
VCQanalyte concentration >10X blank concentration
VCRSample analyte concentration >5X blank concentration (True hit), flagged by QAO
VCSQC criteria not met due to analyte concentration near RL, flagged by QAO
VDEPA Flag - Analytes analyzed at a secondary dilution, flagged by QAO
VDOCoelution; flagged by QAO
VDRLSpike concentration is less than RL, flagged by QAO
VEDTAEDTA added to Selenastrum capricornutum toxicity test, flagged by QAO
VELBLab batch sample quantity exceedes number of samples allowed per batch, flagged by QAO
VEUMLCS/LCM recovery not within control limits, flagged by QAO
VFDPField duplicate RPD above QC limit;flagged by QAO
VFIFInstrument/Probe Failure, flagged by QAO
VFNMNo documentation of the field measurement collection exists, flagged by QAO
VFOEstimated maximum possible concentration (EPMC), flagged by QAO
VGBMatrix spike recovery not within control limits, flagged by QAO
VGBCCRM recovery not within control limits, flagged by QAO
VGIDAIsotope Dilution Analogue recovery not within control limits, Flagged by QAO
VGNSurrogate recovery not within control limits, flagged by QAO
VHHolding time violation occurred, flagged by QAO
VH24Holding time was > 24 hours for Bacteria tests only, flagged by QAO
VH8Holding time was > 8 hrs but < 24 hours for Bacteria tests only, flagged by QAO
VILRPD exceeds control limit, flagged by QAO
VILNRlog exceeds control limit, flagged by QAO
VILORlog not calculated because concentration below RL, flagged by QAO
VIPAnalyte detected in field or lab generated blank, flagged by QAO
VIPRLAnalyte detected in field or lab generated blank, >RL, flagged by QAO
VIUPercent Recovery exceeds laboratory control limit, flagged by QAO
VKPeak detected, but did not meet quantification criteria, value represents estimated maximum concentration, flagged by QAO
VMA matrix effect is present, flagged by QAO
VMBMMethod (lab generated) blank missing from batch, flagged by QAO
VMBPMethod (lab generated) blank did not go through entire preparation and analytical process, flagged by QAO
VMOINo associated % moisture results and therefore should not be compared to dry weight thresholds, flagged by QAO
VNCAnalyte concentration not certifiable in Certified Reference Material, flagged by QAO
VNMDLNo Method Detection Limit reported from laboratory, flagged by QAO
VQQuestionable Result, flagged by QAO
VQAXWhen the native sample for the MS/MSD or DUP is not included in the batch reported, flagged by QAO
VQCAQA/QC protocols were not met for accuracy, flagged by QAO
VQCPQA/QC protocols were not met for precision, flagged by QAO
VRData rejected - EPA Flag, flagged by QAO
VRCIThe method detection limit is elevated due to chromatographic interference; MDL is reported as equal to RL, flagged by QAO
VRDOData rejected - Co-elution, flagged by QAO
VRILData rejected - RPD exceeds control limit, flagged by QAO
VRIPData rejected - Analyte detected in field or lab generated blank, flagged by QAO
VRIUData rejected - Percent Recovery exceeds laboratory control limit, flagged by QAO
VRLSTReplicate lost or destroyed, flagged by QAO
VRMDLData rejected - Spike concentration is less than MDL, flagged by QAO
VRVQData rejected - Based on professional judgement QA/QC protocols were not met, flagged by QAO
VSSample Receipt nonconformance, flagged by QAO
VSCRScreening level analysis, flagged by QAO
VTABTest organisms do not meet the minimum age limit at test initiation, flagged by QAO
VTACAlternative control used in toxicity statistical analysis, flagged by QAO
VTAETest organisms exceed age limit at test initiation, flagged by QAO
VTAMToxicity test organism age at test start is not recorded, flagged by QAO
VTCFAlternative control does not meet test acceptability criteria, flagged by QAO
VTCIConductivity insufficient for test species, flagged by QAO
VTCTConductivity tolerance exceeded for test species, flagged by QAO
VTLMinor deviation in temperature or light, flagged by QAO
VTMOTest organisms escaped or are otherwise missing, flagged by QAO
VTNCToo numerous to count, flagged by QAO
VTOQNumber of organisms in a toxicity test do not meet the minimum quantity per replicate at test initiation or an unequal quantity of organisms per replicate is used, flagged by QAO
VTRTest conditions not acceptable (temp, light), flagged by QAO
VTWWater quality parameters outside recommended test method ranges, flagged by QAO
VTWNRequired water quality parameters not measured, flagged by QAO
VUKMLock mass interference present, flagged by QAO