CodeListName | ValueCode | CodeDescription |
AgeList | 1 | 1 year old |
AgeList | NR | Not Recorded |
AgeList | 2 | 2 year old |
AgencyTypeList | WQ | |
AgencyTypeList | BA | |
AgencyTypeList | TI | |
AnalysisTypeList | Toxicity-Selenastrum | |
AnalysisTypeList | Perchlorate | |
AnalysisTypeList | Toxicity | |
AnalysisTypeList | Bioaccumulation | |
AnalysisTypeList | DOC | |
AnalysisTypeList | MTBE-BTEX | |
AnalysisTypeList | Toxicity-Atherinops | |
AnalysisTypeList | Archive | |
AnalysisTypeList | Toxicity-BivalveMussels | |
AnalysisTypeList | Mercury, total | |
AnalysisTypeList | ELISA | |
AnalysisTypeList | TOC | |
AnalysisTypeList | TBT | |
AnalysisTypeList | Toxicity-Ceriodaphnia(4-d | |
AnalysisTypeList | Selenium | |
AnalysisTypeList | Bacteria | |
AnalysisTypeList | Toxicity-Hyalella(10-d) | |
AnalysisTypeList | TIE | |
AnalysisTypeList | Organics-OCH | |
AnalysisTypeList | SWI cores | |
AnalysisTypeList | BOD | |
AnalysisTypeList | Chl a | |
AnalysisTypeList | Soft Algae | |
AnalysisTypeList | VOC | |
AnalysisTypeList | Organics-TRIAZ | |
AnalysisTypeList | Diatoms | |
AnalysisTypeList | Grain size/TOC | |
AnalysisTypeList | Grain Size | |
AnalysisTypeList | Bioassessment-RWB | |
AnalysisTypeList | TBT/DBT | |
AnalysisTypeList | Bioassessment-MCM | |
AnalysisTypeList | Turbidity | |
AnalysisTypeList | Organics-Special | |
AnalysisTypeList | Bioassessment-TRC | |
AnalysisTypeList | CRAM | |
AnalysisTypeList | SSC | |
AnalysisTypeList | Bioassessment | |
AnalysisTypeList | MBAS | |
AnalysisTypeList | Infauna | |
AnalysisTypeList | Organics-OP | |
AnalysisTypeList | TOC/DOC | |
AnalysisTypeList | Metals, total | |
AnalysisTypeList | Toxicity-Pimephales | |
AnalysisTypeList | Organics-PBDE | |
AnalysisTypeList | TSS | |
AnalysisTypeList | Organics-PCB | |
AnalysisTypeList | Mercury, dissolved | |
AnalysisTypeList | Oil & Grease | |
AnalysisTypeList | AFDM | |
AnalysisTypeList | Organics-PAH | |
AnalysisTypeList | Inorganics | |
AnalysisTypeList | Toxicity-Ceriodaphnia(7-d | |
AnalysisTypeList | Toxicity-Hyalella(4-d) | |
AnalysisTypeList | COD | |
AnalysisTypeList | Organics | |
AnalysisTypeList | Boron | |
AnalysisTypeList | Toxicity-Eohaustorius | |
AnalysisTypeList | Metals, dissolved | |
AnalysisTypeList | Vitellogenin | |
AnalysisTypeList | Organics-PYD-PYN | |
AnalyteTypeList | Constituents | |
AnalyteTypeList | CollectionDevice | |
AnomalyList | None | None |
AnomalyList | FinEro | Fin Erosion |
AnomalyList | Scar | Scarring |
AnomalyList | GillEro | Gill Erosion |
AnomalyList | Par | Parasite |
AnomalyList | Ulcer | Ulceration |
AnomalyList | Les | Lesion |
AnomalyList | Other | Other, describe in comments |
AnomalyList | Tum | Tumor |
BMIEffortList | SAFIT_2006 | SAFIT Taxa List and Standard Taxonomic Effort (STE); 2006 |
BMIEnvironmentalVariablesList | DFW-ABL_2003_EPA_1999 | DFW-ABL 2003 and EPA 1999 list of Environmental Variables |
BMIFunctionalFeedingGroupList | CAMLnet_2003 | CAMLnet (2003) list of Functional Feeding Groups |
BMIHabitList | SAFIT_2006 | SAFIT (2006) list of Habit values |
BMIOperationalTaxonomicUnitList | USU_WCMAFE_2003 | Utah State University Western Center for Monitoring & Assessment of Freshwater Ecosystems (2003) list of OTU values |
BMIPoffsTraitsList | Poffs_2006 | Poffs (2006) list of Poffs environmental variable traits |
BMIProgramExcludedTaxaList | SAFIT_2006 | SAFIT (2006) list of taxa to exclude from analyses based on specific Program designations |
BMIToleranceValueList | CAMLnet_2003 | CAMLnet (2003) list of Tolerance Values |
CalcValueTypeList | Probability | Likelihood of the occurrence of a given event |
CalcValueTypeList | T Value | T-statistic is a ratio of the departure of an estimated parameter from its notional value |
CalcValueTypeList | Not Recorded | Not Recorded |
CollectionDeviceTypeList | TI | |
CollectionDeviceTypeList | Lab | |
CollectionDeviceTypeList | All | |
CollectionDeviceTypeList | Hab | |
CollectionDeviceTypeList | Ben | |
CollectionDeviceTypeList | TS | |
CollectionDeviceTypeList | Field | |
CollectionMethodTypeList | Field | |
CollectionMethodTypeList | All | |
CollectionMethodTypeList | Lab | |
CollectionMethodTypeList | TI | |
CollectionMethodTypeList | Ben | |
CollectionMethodTypeList | Hab | |
ComplianceTypeList | TI | |
ComplianceTypeList | All | |
ComplianceTypeList | BA | |
ComplianceTypeList | Field | |
ComplianceTypeList | Lab | |
ComplianceTypeList | Tox | |
CompositeTypeList | supercomposite | |
CompositeTypeList | Super | SuperComposite |
CompositeTypeList | Normal | Normal |
CompositeTypeList | LABQA | LABQA |
ConditionList | NR | Not Recorded |
ConditionList | Dead | organism dead upon collection |
ConditionList | Weak | organism weak upon collection |
ConditionList | Live | organism alive upon collection |
ConstituentTypeList | Organism | |
ConstituentTypeList | Field | |
ConstituentTypeList | Lab | |
ConstituentTypeList | FieldObs | |
ConstituentTypeList | Habitat | |
ConstituentTypeList | Tox | |
CoordinateSourceList | NR | Not Recorded |
CoordinateSourceList | GIS | GIS used to obtain coordinate |
CoordinateSourceList | Map | Map used to obtain coordinate |
CoordinateSourceList | GPS | GPS used to obtain coordinate |
CountRefList | 3 | 3rd size class |
CountRefList | 2 | 2nd size class |
CountRefList | 4 | 4th size class |
CountRefList | 1 | 1st size class |
CountyList | El Dorado | El Dorado |
CountyList | Inyo | Inyo |
CountyList | Sonoma | Sonoma |
CountyList | Modoc | Modoc |
CountyList | Sacramento | Sacramento |
CountyList | Monterey | Monterey |
CountyList | San Francisco | San Francisco |
CountyList | San Joaquin | San Joaquin |
CountyList | San Mateo | San Mateo |
CountyList | Tehama | Tehama |
CountyList | Orange | Orange |
CountyList | Tuolumne | Tuolumne |
CountyList | Fresno | Fresno |
CountyList | Kings | Kings |
CountyList | Stanislaus | Stanislaus |
CountyList | Napa | Napa |
CountyList | Colusa | Colusa |
CountyList | San Bernardino | San Bernardino |
CountyList | Kern | Kern |
CountyList | Lake | Lake |
CountyList | Santa Barbara | Santa Barbara |
CountyList | Marin | Marin |
CountyList | Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz |
CountyList | Mariposa | Mariposa |
CountyList | Tulare | Tulare |
CountyList | Sierra | Sierra |
CountyList | Sutter | Sutter |
CountyList | Alameda | Alameda |
CountyList | Yuba | Yuba |
CountyList | Trinity | Trinity |
CountyList | Calaveras | Calaveras |
CountyList | Alpine | Alpine |
CountyList | San Luis Obispo | San Luis Obispo |
CountyList | Plumas | Plumas |
CountyList | San Benito | San Benito |
CountyList | Douglas | Douglas |
CountyList | Riverside | Riverside |
CountyList | Santa Clara | Santa Clara |
CountyList | Humboldt | Humboldt |
CountyList | Contra Costa | Contra Costa |
CountyList | Ventura | Ventura |
CountyList | Lassen | Lassen |
CountyList | Mono | Mono |
CountyList | Imperial | Imperial |
CountyList | Amador | Amador |
CountyList | Solano | Solano |
CountyList | Los Angeles | Los Angeles |
CountyList | San Diego | San Diego |
CountyList | Mendocino | Mendocino |
CountyList | Shasta | Shasta |
CountyList | Siskiyou | Siskiyou |
CountyList | Placer | Placer |
CountyList | Not Recorded | Not Recorded |
CountyList | Nevada | Nevada |
CountyList | Del Norte | Del Norte |
CountyList | Yolo | Yolo |
CountyList | Madera | Madera |
CountyList | Butte | Butte |
CountyList | Glenn | Glenn |
CountyList | Merced | Merced |
DataTypeList | Text | |
DataTypeList | Date | |
DataTypeList | Time | |
DataTypeList | Numerical | |
DatumList | NAD83 | NAD83 |
DatumList | WGS84 | WGS84 |
DatumList | NR | Not Recorded |
DietList | NR | Not Recorded |
EnvironmentalVariablesAuthorityList | DFW-ABL | DFW-ABL |
EnvironmentalVariablesAuthorityList | EPA | EPA |
ExcludedQualifierList | NT | Non-target taxa identified in sample |
ExcludedQualifierList | NA | Not Applicable; specimen is to be included in analysis |
ExcludedQualifierList | LR | Large and/or rare taxa not identified in standard count |
FieldObsVarTypeList | BA | |
FieldObsVarTypeList | TI | |
FieldObsVarTypeList | WQ | |
FunctionalFeedingGroupList | MH | Macrophyte Herbivore |
FunctionalFeedingGroupList | PA | Parasite |
FunctionalFeedingGroupList | CG | Collector Gatherer |
FunctionalFeedingGroupList | SH | Shredder |
FunctionalFeedingGroupList | NR | Not Recorded or unknown |
FunctionalFeedingGroupList | CF | Collector Filterer |
FunctionalFeedingGroupList | OM | Omnivore |
FunctionalFeedingGroupList | G | Grazer |
FunctionalFeedingGroupList | NA | Not Applicable; meant for taxa where a FFG is not needed |
FunctionalFeedingGroupList | P | Predator |
FunctionalFeedingGroupList | SC | Scraper |
FunctionalFeedingGroupList | PH | Piercer Herbivore |
GeometryShapeList | Point | Point |
GeometryShapeList | Polygon | Polygon |
GeometryShapeList | PointCent | PointCentroid |
GeometryShapeList | Line | Line |
GeometryShapeList | LineCent | LineCentroid |
GeometryShapeList | PolygonCent | PolygonCentroid |
GPSFixList | 3D | 3 Dimensional |
GPSFixList | NR | Not Recorded |
GPSFixList | 2D | 2 Dimensional |
GrabSizeList | 0.99 | BMI_RWB/MCM, 11 transects x 0.09m2 D-frame kick net |
GrabSizeList | 0.72 | BMI_TRC, 8 transects x 0.09m2 D-frame kick net |
GroupTypeList | Ecoregion | |
GroupTypeList | Sample | |
GroupTypeList | Project | |
GroupTypeList | Geometry | |
GroupTypeList | Station | |
HabitList | NA | Not Applicable; meant for taxa where a Habit is not needed' |
HabitList | SP | Sprawlers |
HabitList | SK | Skater |
HabitList | SW | Behavioral habit designation for each organism; e.g. clingers, burrowers, sprawlers |
HabitList | CN | Behavioral habit designation for each organism; e.g. clingers, burrowers, sprawlers |
HabitList | BU | Burrowers |
HabitList | NR | Not Recorded or unknown |
HabitList | CB | Climbers |
HydromodList | Pier | Pier |
HydromodList | Dam | Dam |
HydromodList | NR | Not Recorded |
HydromodList | Breakwater | Breakwater |
HydromodList | AerialZip | Aerial Zipline |
HydromodList | Other | Other |
HydromodList | None | None |
HydromodList | GradeCont | drop in elevation, bed modification |
HydromodList | ConChan | ConcreteChannel |
HydromodList | Pipes | Outside input source to waterbody |
HydromodList | Culvert | used anytime water diverted through pipe |
HydromodList | Bridge | Bridge |
HydromodList | Weir | Weir |
HydromodList | PumpSta | Pump Station |
HydromodLocList | US | Upstream |
HydromodLocList | NA | Not Applicable |
HydromodLocList | DS | Downstream |
HydromodLocList | WI | Within Sample Boundary |
HydromodLocList | NR | Not Recorded |
IntervalList | 15 min | 15 minutes |
LengthSourceList | NA | Not Applicable |
LengthSourceList | NR | Not Recorded Measurement |
LengthSourceList | Field | Field Measurement |
LengthSourceList | Lab | Lab Measurement |
LengthTypeList | FL | Fork Length |
LengthTypeList | CW | Carapace Width |
LengthTypeList | TL | Total Length |
LengthWidthTypeList | FL | Fork Length |
LengthWidthTypeList | TL | Total Length |
LengthWidthTypeList | Ca | Carapace measurement |
LengthWidthTypeList | SW | Shell Width |
LengthWidthTypeList | SL | Shell Length |
LengthWidthTypeList | Ab | Abdomen measurement |
LifeStageTypeList | TI | |
LifeStageTypeList | BA | |
LocationTypeList | WQ | |
LocationTypeList | BA | |
LocationTypeList | TI | |
MethodTypeList | Lab | |
MethodTypeList | FieldObs | |
MethodTypeList | BA | |
MethodTypeList | Field | |
MethodTypeList | TI | |
OccupationMethodList | Other | Record method in comment field |
OccupationMethodList | NR | Not Recorded |
OccupationMethodList | PumpSta Plat | Sample was taken from pumpstation platform |
OccupationMethodList | RV | Research Vessel |
OccupationMethodList | Walk In | Sample was taken from walking into site |
OccupationMethodList | Gondola | Gondola was used to collect the sample |
OccupationMethodList | From Dock | Sample was taken from a dock |
OccupationMethodList | Boat ramp | Sample was taken from a boat ramp |
OccupationMethodList | Kayak | Kayak was used to collect sample |
OccupationMethodList | Motor boat | Motorized boat was used to collect sample |
OccupationMethodList | From Bridge | Sample was taken from a bridge |
OrganismEffortList | TargetEffortLevelSAFIT1 | TargetEffortLevelSAFIT1 |
OrganismEffortList | EffectiveEffortLevelSAFIT1 | EffectiveEffortLevelSAFIT1 |
OrganismEffortList | EffectiveEffortLevelSAFIT2 | EffectiveEffortLevelSAFIT2 |
OrganismEffortList | EffectiveEffortLevelFamily | EffectiveEffortLevelFamily |
OrganismEffortList | TargetEffortLevelSAFIT2 | TargetEffortLevelSAFIT2 |
OrganismGroupList | Amphibian | Amphibian |
OrganismGroupList | Mammal | Mammal |
OrganismGroupList | Fish | Fish |
OrganismGroupList | Lamprey | Lamprey |
OrganismGroupList | Reptile | Reptile |
OrganismGroupList | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
OrganismGroupList | Diatom | Diatom |
OrganismGroupList | Algae | Algae including blue-green algae and cyanobacteria |
OrganismGroupList | Bivalves | Bivalves |
OrganismGroupList | Crustacean | Crustacean |
OrganismGroupList | Not Recorded | Not Recorded |
OrganismGroupList | Plankton | Plankton |
OrganismGroupList | Plant | Plant |
OrganismGroupList | Phytoplankton | Phytoplankton |
OrganismGroupList | Zooplankton | Zooplankton |
OrganismGroupList | Fish Oil | Fish Oil |
OrganismGroupList | Bird | Bird |
OrganismTypeList | Zooplankton | Zooplankton |
OrganismTypeList | Plankton | Plankton |
OrganismTypeList | Phytoplankton | Phytoplankton |
OrganismTypeList | BAPlant | |
OrganismTypeList | Ben | |
OrganismTypeList | Fish | |
OrganismTypeList | Mammal | |
OrganismTypeList | Tox | |
OrganismTypeList | Bird | |
OrganismTypeList | BAVert | |
OrganismTypeList | Bivalve | |
PersonnelDutyList | Forms | Form data person |
PersonnelDutyList | Geomorph | Geomorphology data collections |
PersonnelDutyList | Biomorph | Biomorphology data collections |
PositionWaterColumnList | DepthIntegrated | Collections integrated over multiple depths |
PositionWaterColumnList | Subsurface | subsurface |
PositionWaterColumnList | Midcolumn | midcolumn |
PositionWaterColumnList | Surface | surface |
PositionWaterColumnList | Metalimnion | Metalimnion |
PositionWaterColumnList | Nearbottom | nearbottom |
PositionWaterColumnList | HypolimnionA | HypolimnionA |
PositionWaterColumnList | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
PositionWaterColumnList | HypolimnionB | HypolimnionB |
PrepPreservationTypeList | WQ | |
PrepPreservationTypeList | TI | |
ProjectTypeList | WQ | |
ProjectTypeList | TI | |
ProjectTypeList | BA | |
ProtocolTypeList | WQ | |
ProtocolTypeList | BA | |
ProtocolTypeList | TI | |
ProtocolTypeList | TS | |
PulseRateUnitsList | Hz | Hertz, shocking unit |
PulseRateUnitsList | pps | pulse per second, shocking unit |
PurposeFailureTypeList | TI | |
PurposeFailureTypeList | WQ | |
PurposeFailureTypeList | BA | |
QATypeList | TI | |
QATypeList | Field | |
QATypeList | FieldObs | |
QATypeList | Tox | |
QATypeList | BA | |
QATypeList | All | |
QATypeList | Lab | |
ReconVerificationList | Local Contact | Local contacts were used to verify station location |
ReconVerificationList | Roads | Roads were used to verify station location |
ReconVerificationList | Topo Map | Topo maps were used to verify station location |
ReconVerificationList | Signs | Signs were used to verify station location |
ReconVerificationList | Not Verified | Station location was not verified |
ReconVerificationList | GPS | GPS were used to verify station location |
RegionList | 3 | |
RegionList | 8 | |
RegionList | 6 | |
RegionList | 0 | |
RegionList | 9 | |
RegionList | 1 | |
RegionList | ' | |
RegionList | 2 | |
RegionList | 4 | |
RegionList | 5S | |
RegionList | 5L | |
RegionList | 7 | |
ResQualTypeList | ByCatch | |
ResQualTypeList | Lab | |
ResQualTypeList | Field | |
ResQualTypeList | Tox | |
ResQualTypeList | All | |
ResQualTypeList | TI | |
ResQualTypeList | BA | |
ResQualTypeList | Hab | |
SexList | NR | Not Recorded |
SexList | LAB | Sexed in LAB; need to change after id is made |
SexList | M | Male |
SexList | Unk | Unknown |
SexList | F | Female |
SieveSizeList | 1.0mm | 1.0 mm |
SieveSizeList | None | None |
SieveSizeList | 0.5mm | 0.5 mm |
SieveSizeList | 5mm | 5 mm |
SieveSizeList | 50um | 50 um |
SourceList | EPA 833-R-10-004 June 2010 | CA Tox Testing Methods Analyzed Using Test of Significant Toxicity (TST) Approach; Table 3-8 EPA 833-R-10-004 June 2010 Table ES-2 |
StartingBankList | LB | Left Bank |
StartingBankList | NA | Not Applicable |
StartingBankList | NR | Not Recorded |
StartingBankList | RB | Right Bank |
StateList | OR | Oregon |
StateList | CA | California |
StateList | IL | Illinois |
StateList | ID | Idaho |
StateList | WI | Wisconson |
StateList | UT | Utah |
StateList | CO | Colorado |
StateList | NV | Nevada |
StateList | MT | Montana |
StateList | AZ | Arizona |
StationSourceList | RWQCB5 | Reg 5S |
StationSourceList | SWRCB-SMC | Stormwater Monitoring Coalition |
StationSourceList | CCWG-MLML | Central Coast Wetlands Group at Moss Landing Marine Labs |
StationSourceList | UM-CES | University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science |
StationSourceList | USFS-VALLEJO | U.S. Forest Service Vallejo |
StationSourceList | SWRCB-SWAMP-EPA-NS | SWAMP_SB_National Lakes Survey |
StationSourceList | SWRCB | State Water Resources Control Board |
StationSourceList | RWQCB3 | Reg 3 |
StationSourceList | USGS-Scto | U.S. Geological Survey-Water Resources-Sacramento |
StationSourceList | RWQCB4 | Reg 4 |
StationSourceList | RWQCB5F | Reg 5F |
StationSourceList | DPR | California Department of Pesticide Regulation |
StationSourceList | SWRCB-SWAMP-SPoT | SWAMP_SB Stream Pollution Trends |
StationSourceList | GBP | GBP |
StationSourceList | MBNEP | Morrow Bay National Estuary Program |
StationSourceList | BVB_Pomo | Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians |
StationSourceList | VCWPD | |
StationSourceList | DRMP | Delta Regional Monitoring Program |
StationSourceList | ILRP_SSJWQC | Southern San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition |
StationSourceList | UCD-TERC | University of California Davis-Tahoe Environmental Research Center |
StationSourceList | DWR-ND | California Department of Water Resources, Northern District |
StationSourceList | SFEI | SFEI/CALFED |
StationSourceList | ILRP5_SVWQC | ILRP5_SVWQC |
StationSourceList | SWAMP_SB_BOG_LK | SWAMP_SB Bioaccumulation Oversight Group Lakes |
StationSourceList | Not Recorded | |
StationSourceList | SCAPOSD | Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District |
StationSourceList | SWAMP_SB_BOG | SWAMP_SB Bioaccumulation Oversight Group |
StationSourceList | TNC | The Nature Conservancy |
StationSourceList | SSI_FDC | Sierra Streams Institute previously Friends of Deer Creek |
StationSourceList | DFW | California Department of Fish and Wildlife |
StationSourceList | CSD | City of San Diego |
StationSourceList | RWQCB8 | Reg 8 |
StationSourceList | DWR | Department of Water Resources |
StationSourceList | RWQCB9 | Reg 9 |
StationSourceList | MPSL-DFW | Marine Pollution Studies Lab, Department of Fish and Wildlife |
StationSourceList | MLJ-LLC | Michael L. Johnson, LLC |
StationSourceList | UCD-GC | University of California Davis-Granite Canyon |
StationSourceList | SWRCB-SWAMP-BOG | SWAMP_SB Bioaccumulation Oversight Group |
StationSourceList | RWQCB5U | Reg 5U |
StationSourceList | RWQCB2 | Reg 2 |
StationSourceList | SWRCB-SWAMP-PSA | SWAMP_SB Perrenial Stream Assessment |
StationSourceList | MPSL-MLML | MPSL-MLML |
StationSourceList | RWQCB7 | Reg 7 |
StationSourceList | SNARL | Sierra Neveda Aquatic Research Laboratory |
StationSourceList | SCCWRP | Southern Califormia Water Resource Project |
StationSourceList | RWQCB1 | Reg 1 |
StationSourceList | RWQCB6 | Reg 6 |
StationSourceList | SWRCB-SWAMP-RCMP | SWAMP_SB_Reference Condition Management Plan |
StationSourceList | DFW-ABL | DFW-ABL |
StationSourceList | RWQCB5L | Reg 5L |
StatMethodList | NR | Not Recorded |
StatMethodList | None | No Statistical Method |
StatMethodList | Fisher | Fisher's Exact |
StatMethodList | Dun | Dunnett's test comparing multiple means to a control |
StatMethodList | Mann-U | Mann-Whitney U-test |
StatMethodList | Steel | Steel's Many-One Rank |
StatMethodList | Wilcox | Wilcoxon Rank Sum |
StatMethodList | ARCT T-test | ArcSin square root transformed, paired T-test |
StatMethodList | BC T-test | Bonferroni corrected Paired T-test |
StatMethodList | T-test | Paired T-test |
StatMethodList | TST Welch Test | Welch’s t-test is an adaptation of Student’s t-test intended for use with two samples having unequal variances |
TaxonomicQualifierList | None | No Code representing the taxonomist's justification for not identifying a specimen to standard effort to report |
TaxonomicQualifierList | D | Damaged beyond identification |
TaxonomicQualifierList | I | Immature specimen |
TaxonomicQualifierList | L | Taxonomist's literature not sufficient |
TaxonomicQualifierList | O | Other - see comments |
TaxonomicQualifierList | M | Bad Mount |
TestExposureTypeList | Chronic | Chronic Exposure |
TestExposureTypeList | Acute | Acute Exposure |
TestExposureTypeList | Not Recorded | Not Recorded |
TisSourceList | NR | Not Recorded |
TisSourceList | NA | Not Applicable |
TisSourceList | Res | Resident |
TisSourceList | Trans | Transplant |
TissueTypeList | Bird | |
TissueTypeList | Fish | |
TissueTypeList | Crustacean | |
TissueTypeList | Mammal | |
TissueTypeList | Plankton | |
TissueTypeList | Bivalve | |
ToleranceValueList | 6 | Intermediate tolerant as a general measure of community tolerance to human disturbance |
ToleranceValueList | 0 | Highly intolerant as a general measure of community tolerance to human disturbance |
ToleranceValueList | 5 | Medium tolerant as a general measure of community tolerance to human disturbance |
ToleranceValueList | 2 | Intermediate intolerant as a general measure of community tolerance to human disturbance |
ToleranceValueList | 4 | Intermediate intolerant as a general measure of community tolerance to human disturbance |
ToleranceValueList | 1 | Intermediate intolerant as a general measure of community tolerance to human disturbance |
ToleranceValueList | 9 | Intermediate tolerant as a general measure of community tolerance to human disturbance |
ToleranceValueList | 3 | Intermediate intolerant as a general measure of community tolerance to human disturbance |