Freshwater & Estuarine
Harmful Algal Bloom Report Form
Managed by California State Water Resources Control Board's
Freshwater and Estuarine Harmful Algal Bloom (FHAB) Program

Please use the form below to provide information about the suspected or confirmed algal blooms and any related human or animal illnesses. The information you provide will assist Water Boards staff to investigate the bloom.

Submit Form: Only questions marked with bold text and an asterisk are required. Click the submit button at the end of the form to send the information. After submitting you will be provided a Bloom Report ID.

Questions: If you have questions please contact the HAB Hotline:
Email:; Phone: 1-844-729-6466 (toll free).

Water Body Information

This form defaults to reports submitted by the public to notify state agencies of a suspected algal bloom. The Agency/Partner Reporting button is for an agency or partner entity to submit reports and monitoring sites.

Report Type :
Water Body Name :
Nearest Landmark
(e.g. Sacramento River near Tower Bridge)
County :
Please input coordinates formatted to WGS84 system. Google Maps and iPhone's GPS app both default to this format. Latitude should start with a number value between 32 to 43. Longitude should start with a number value between -125 to -114. When entering Longitude, be sure to include the minus (-) sign.
Latitude (decimal degrees)
If you are unsure of what the Latitude and Longitude are, please try and estimate using Google Maps:
1. Navigate to Google Maps
2. Enter the address or location in the Search bar
3. Right click on the Map's pin point, and from the new menu choose What's Here?
4. A box at the bottom of the page will appear with the decimal degrees coordinates for that location. Latitude is the first value, and Longitude is the second value.

If you have more information about the area of concern, you may attach more information to the [email/form] provided after you submit the report. (e.g. shape files, KML files, additional coordinates, etc.)
Longitude (decimal degrees):
Contact Information

Providing contact information is optional, and no personal identification information you provide will be made public. You may be contacted for additional information by agency staff.

Organization (if any):
Email Address
If you provide an email address you will receive a submission confirmation email, and you may be contacted for additional information about this Bloom Report.
Phone Number:
Incident Information
Date of Observation :
Will you be uploading pictures?:
Photos: This form supports the upload of up to 5 photos (jpg or png files) with a maximum size of 10 mb per photo. If you are unable to upload your photos or would like to send additional photos to the FHAB Program, please email and include the Bloom Report ID in the subject of the email to assist us with linking your photos to your report.
Upload File (e.g. jpg, png):
Did you see any HAB signs posted (select all that apply - on a computer, hold the Ctrl button while selecting)?
Visit our FAQs for HAB Signs webpage for more information about the types of signs you may see.
What was the weather condition?:
What was the surface water condition?:
Please estimate the size of the algal bloom:
Please estimate location of the algal bloom:
Please describe any texture(s) you saw of the algal bloom (select all that apply - on a computer, hold the Ctrl button while selecting)
Visit our Quick Visual Guide for a visual comparison of common algal blooms.
Additional comments or observations about the algal bloom
Visit our Visual Guide to Observing Blooms webpage for more information on the types of blooms you may encounter.
Illness Information
Are you aware of any adverse effects to the following (please check all that apply)
Human Illness Symptoms: sore throat, congestion, coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, red or itchy skin or a rash, skin blisters or hives, earache or irritated eyes, diarrhea, vomiting, agitation, headache, abdominal pain.

Animal Illness Symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy or general weakness, difficulty breathing, foaming at the mouth, muscle twitching, convulsions, death.
Illness Death
Pet - Other
Wildlife - Other
Livestock - Other
None Observed
Please provide additional information about any animal illnesses here
Describe the illness, date of suspected contact, date of onset of symptoms, veterinarian contact information, etc.

For human illnesses, please email with more information about human illness.
Water Body Management Information
In which Regional Water Board is the water body?
Provide any additional comments about entities responsible for water management. Have you contacted any other agencies about this algae bloom?:

Form Submission

To submit the form, enter the authentication code below (case sensitive) and click "Submit". If you provided an email address above, you will receive a confirmation email.

Enter the characters shown in the authentication code box (case sensitive):

Other Resources: