LifeStageCode | LifeStageName | LifeStageDescr |
A | Adult | Life stage is an adult; wide use |
AK | Akinete | Thick-walled resting spore formed by transformation of a vegetative cell; primarily used for Algae taxonomy |
C | Cyst | Resting spore, usually thick-walled; primarily used for Algae taxonomy |
G | Gametophyte | Sexual, gamete-producing stage; primarily used for Algae taxonomy |
IM | Immature | The organism is immature and does not form structures needed for species identification; primarily used for Algae taxonomy |
J | Juvenile | Life stage is a juvenile; wide use |
L | Larva | Life stage is a larva; primarily used for freshwater benthic macroinvertebrates (BMI) |
NR | Not Recorded | Life stage was not recorded or is unknown |
P | Pupa | Life stage is a pupa; primarily used for freshwater benthic macroinvertebrates (BMI) |
PM | Palmella | Palmella-stage in the life history of flagellated algae where cells become non-motile and divide to form a mass of cells embedded in an amorphus mucilage; primarily used for Algae taxonomy |
S | Sporophyte | Asexual, spore-producing stage; primarily used for Algae taxonomy |
SA | Subadult | Life stage is a subadult; primarily used for freshwater benthic macroinvertebrates (BMI) |
ST | Sterile | The organism is in vegetative life-stage and does not form sexual reproductive structures needed for species identification; primarily used for Algae taxonomy |
X | Undefined | Used when life stage is not defined (e.g., most non-insect taxa for bioassessments); primarily used for freshwater benthic macroinvertebrates (BMI) |
ZO | Zoospore | Flagellated asexual spore capable of swimming and produced in a zoosporangium; primarily used for Algae taxonomy |
ZY | Zygote | Resting spore produced following the sexual union of gametes; primarily used for Algae taxonomy |