SWAMP Data Checker Lookup Lists
Supported by the State Water Resources Control Board

Sunday, December 22, 2024

SWAMP Data Management Resources Webpage --- Checker Home --- Data Submittal Form

List: MatrixLookUp

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aircolorless, odorless, tasteless, gaseous mixture, mainly nitrogen (approximately 78 percent) and oxygen (approximately 21 percent) with lesser amounts of argon, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, neon, helium, and other gases
benthicFlora and fauna collected from the bottom of a waterbody
blankmatrixmatrix free of interferences (e.g, in reagent water, clean sand, or another suitable reference matrix) that is commercially or Lab-produced used for tissue and sediment QA samples
blankwatermatrix free of interferences (reagent water) that is commercially or Lab-processed used for water QA sample
effluentWastewater--treated or untreated--that flows out of a treatment plant, sewer, or industrial outfall
Extract_AlgalMatAlgal mat sample digested/extracted by laboratory procedure
Extract_SamplewaterSamplewater extracted from sorbent media or solid phase extraction
groundwaterThe supply of fresh water found beneath the Earth's surface, usually in aquifers, which supply wells and springs
habitathabitat at the location
labwaterunprocessed laboratory tap water
Not Applicablenot applicable
not recordednot recorded
overlyingwaterthe water above the sediment surface within a test container, used for toxicity
PBSwaterPhosphate buffered saline
PCRmatrixUsed for QC samples in PCR analyses. PCR reagents without the addition of sample DNA or a positive standard. May contain PCR Extraction Blank.
referencetoxicantmetal or chlorinated organic used to evaluate the health and sensitivity of test organisms over time and assessing laboratory performance
runoffThat part of precipitation, snow melt, or irrigation water that runs off the land into streams or other surface-water. Water sampled prior to mixing with ambient surface water.
samplewaterAmbient surface water collected in the field
samplewater, <1.2 umSamplewater filtered through <1.2 um
samplewater, <125 umSamplewater filtered through <125 um
samplewater, <200 umSamplewater filtered through <200 um
samplewater, <35 umSamplewater filtered through <35 um
samplewater, <5 umSamplewater filtered through <5 um
samplewater, particulate, <177 umParticulate from samplewater filtered through <177 um
samplewater, particulate, <63 umParticulate from samplewater filtered through <63 um
samplewater, particulate, >200 umParticulate from samplewater filtered through >200 um
samplewater, particulate, 1.2 to <5 umParticulate from samplewater filtered through 1.2 to <5 um
samplewater, particulate, 125 to <200 umParticulate from samplewater filtered through 125 to <200 um
samplewater, particulate, 35 to <125 umParticulate from samplewater filtered through 35 to <125 um
samplewater, particulate, 5 to <35 umParticulate from samplewater filtered through 5 to <35 um
samplewater, particulate, 63 um to 2000 umParticulate from samplewater filtered through 63 um to 2000 um
sedimentLoose particles of sand, clay, silt, and other substances that settle at the bottom of a water body
sediment, <63 umSediment sample sieved through <63 um
sediment, 63 to 2000 umSediment sample sieved through 63 to 2000 um
sediment, elutriateSediment, elutriate - Non-contaminated water mixed with sediment and allowed to settle prior to analysis of the water portion
sediment, interstitialwaterwater occupying the spaces between sediment particles- same as pore water - may or may not be centrifuged
sedimentsuspendedSediment sample isolated from large volumes of water by centrifuging
SEM-ExtractExtract derived from the Simultaneously Extracted Metals procedure, analyzed for individual metal concentrations.
tissuePart of an organism consisting of an aggregate of cells having similar function; muscle, nerve epidermal or connective
unknownmatrix is not known