SWAMP Data Checker Lookup Lists Supported by the State Water Resources Control Board |
Sunday, December 22, 2024 |
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Data Submittal Form
List: UnitLookUp
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UnitName |
% |
% dw |
% modern |
% recovery |
% ww |
ASVcount |
avg mm |
cells/cm2 |
cells/L |
cells/ml |
cfs |
cfu/100mL |
cm |
copies/mL |
count |
CU |
cysts/100 L |
cysts/L |
days |
Deg C |
degrees |
filmt/mL |
ft |
ft/s |
g/m2 |
g/m2 dw |
g/m2 ww |
gc/mL |
ind/L |
ind/m2 |
kts |
L |
m |
m/s |
m2 |
m3/s |
mE/m2/s |
mf/L |
mg/100g ww |
mg/cm3 |
mg/ind |
mg/Kg dw |
mg/Kg ww |
mg/L |
mg/m2 |
mins |
mL |
mL/L |
mm |
mm3/m3 |
mmHG |
mph |
MPN/100 mL |
MPN/mL |
mS/cm |
mV |
ng/47mm_disk |
ng/g dw |
ng/g na |
ng/g ww |
ng/Kg dw |
ng/L |
ng/mL |
none |
NR |
Num/Rep |
oocysts/100 L |
oocysts/L |
OTUcount |
pCi/L |
per mil |
pieces |
ppt |
psu |
score |
seconds |
tons/day |
uatm |
ueq/L |
ug/CLAM_cartridge |
ug/g dw |
ug/g ww |
ug/Kg dw |
ug/Kg ww |
ug/L |
ug/L dw |
ug/m2 |
um/L |
um3/cm2 |
um3/L |
umhos/cm |
umol/g dw |
umol/L |
uS/cm |
yes/no |
yr |