SWAMP Data Checker Error List
Supported by the State Water Resources Control Board

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

SWAMP Data Management Resources Webpage --- Checker Home --- Data Submittal Form

Data Category Type

Check_IDData CategoryTypeError MessageDescription
SW_C_1ChemistryMS;Replicate was not 1 for a matrix spikeFor SampleTypeCodes of "MS1", "MS2", and "MSBLDup", the Replicate should be 1 in 99% of cases.
SW_C_10ChemistryLABQA;UnitCollectionDepth was not "m" or "cm" for a LABQAIf the StationCode is "LABQA" and the LabBatch contains either "_W_" or "_S_" then the UnitCollectionDepth should be either "m" or "cm".
SW_C_100ChemistrySize;LabCollectionComments exceeded maximum size of 255.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 255 characters.
SW_C_101ChemistrySize;SampleID exceeded maximum size of 40.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 40 characters.
SW_C_102ChemistrySize;PrepPreservationName exceeded maximum size of 50.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 50 characters.
SW_C_103ChemistrySize;PrepPreservationDate exceeded maximum size of 50.Dates and times should be less than 50 characters. Perhaps something is wrong with the format.
SW_C_104ChemistrySize;DigestExtractMethod exceeded maximum size of 50.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 50 characters.
SW_C_105ChemistrySize;DigestExtractDate exceeded maximum size of 50.Dates and times should be less than 50 characters. Perhaps something is wrong with the format.
SW_C_106ChemistrySize;LabBatch exceeded maximum size of 35.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 35 characters.
SW_C_107ChemistrySize;AnalysisDate exceeded maximum size of 50.Dates and times should be less than 50 characters. Perhaps something is wrong with the format.
SW_C_108ChemistrySize;LabReplicate exceeded maximum size of 10.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 10 characters.
SW_C_109ChemistrySize;MatrixName exceeded maximum size of 50.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 50 characters.
SW_C_11ChemistryLABQA;ProjectCode was not "Not Applicable" for a LABQAIf the StationCode is "LABQA" and the LabBatch contains either "_W_" or "_S_" then the ProjectCode should be "Not Applicable".
SW_C_110ChemistrySize;MethodName exceeded maximum size of 50.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 50 characters.
SW_C_111ChemistrySize;AnalyteName exceeded maximum size of 255.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 255 characters.
SW_C_112ChemistrySize;FractionName exceeded maximum size of 50.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 50 characters.
SW_C_113ChemistrySize;UnitName exceeded maximum size of 50.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 50 characters.
SW_C_114ChemistrySize;DilutionFactor exceeded maximum size of 10.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 10 characters.
SW_C_115ChemistrySize;Result exceeded maximum size of 50.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 50 characters.
SW_C_116ChemistrySize;ResQualCode exceeded maximum size of 10.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 10 characters.
SW_C_117ChemistrySize;MDL exceeded maximum size of 10.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 10 characters.
SW_C_118ChemistrySize;RL exceeded maximum size of 10.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 10 characters.
SW_C_119ChemistrySize;QACode exceeded maximum size of 30.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 30 characters.
SW_C_12ChemistryLABQA;LABQA AgencyCode did not match LabAgencyCodeFor LABQAs, the AgencyCode listed on the Results Worksheet must match the LabAgencyCode of the corresponding LabBatch on the LabBatch Worksheet.
SW_C_120ChemistrySize;ExpectedValue exceeded maximum size of 10.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 10 characters.
SW_C_121ChemistrySize;LabResultComments exceeded maximum size of 130.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 130 characters. The actual limit is 255 characters, but the extra space is reserved for DMT use.
SW_C_122ChemistrySize;LabBatch exceeded maximum size of 35.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 35 characters.
SW_C_123ChemistrySize;LabAgencyCode exceeded maximum size of 20.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 20 characters.
SW_C_124ChemistrySize;LabSubmissionCode exceeded maximum size of 10.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 10 characters.
SW_C_125ChemistrySize;SubmittingAgencyCode exceeded maximum size of 20.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 20 characters.
SW_C_126ChemistrySize;LabBatchComm exceeded maximum size of 130.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 130 characters. The actual limit is 255 characters, but the extra space is reserved for DMT use.
SW_C_127ChemistryNULL;Missing StationCode, a required field.StationCode is required to be filled out.
SW_C_128ChemistryNULL;Missing EventCode, a required field.EventCode is required to be filled out.
SW_C_129ChemistryNULL;Missing ProtocolCode, a required field.ProtocolCode is required to be filled out.
SW_C_13ChemistryLABQA;Invalid LABQA SampleTypeCodeIf the StationCode is "LABQA", the SampleTypeCode should be "LabBlank", "LCS", "CRM", "EquipBlank", or "FilterBlank"
SW_C_130ChemistryNULL;Missing LocationCode, a required field.LocationCode is required to be filled out.
SW_C_131ChemistryNULL;Missing SampleDate, a required field.SampleDate is required to be filled out.
SW_C_132ChemistryNULL;Missing CollectionTime, a required field.CollectionTime is required to be filled out.
SW_C_133ChemistryNULL;Missing CollectionMethodCode, a required field.CollectionMethodCode is required to be filled out.
SW_C_134ChemistryNULL;Missing SampleTypeCode, a required field.SampleTypeCode is required to be filled out.
SW_C_135ChemistryNULL;Missing Replicate, a required field.Replicate is required to be filled out.
SW_C_136ChemistryNULL;Missing CollectionDepth, a required field.CollectionDepth is required to be filled out.
SW_C_137ChemistryNULL;Missing UnitCollectionDepth, a required field.UnitCollectionDepth is required to be filled out.
SW_C_138ChemistryNULL;Missing ProjectCode, a required field.ProjectCode is required to be filled out.
SW_C_139ChemistryNULL;Missing AgencyCode, a required field.AgencyCode is required to be filled out.
SW_C_14ChemistryLABQA;Equal LabReplicates and CollectionTimes for two LABQAs of the same SampleTypeCodeFor two LABQAs of the same analyte and fraction in the same LabBatch with the same SampleTypeCode the only way to differentiate between them is the CollectionTime/SampleDate or the LabReplicate.
SW_C_140ChemistryNULL;Missing PrepPreservationName, a required field.PrepPreservationName is required to be filled out.
SW_C_141ChemistryNULL;Missing PrepPreservationDate, a required field.PrepPreservationDate is required to be filled out.
SW_C_142ChemistryNULL;Missing DigestExtractMethod, a required field.DigestExtractMethod is required to be filled out.
SW_C_143ChemistryNULL;Missing DigestExtractDate, a required field.DigestExtractDate is required to be filled out.
SW_C_144ChemistryNULL;Missing LabBatch, a required field.LabBatch is required to be filled out.
SW_C_145ChemistryNULL;Missing AnalysisDate, a required field.AnalysisDate is required to be filled out.
SW_C_146ChemistryNULL;Missing LabReplicate, a required field.LabReplicate is required to be filled out.
SW_C_147ChemistryNULL;Missing MatrixName, a required field.MatrixName is required to be filled out.
SW_C_148ChemistryNULL;Missing MethodName, a required field.MethodName is required to be filled out.
SW_C_149ChemistryNULL;Missing AnalyteName, a required field.AnalyteName is required to be filled out.
SW_C_15ChemistryLABQA;MatrixName incorrect for a LABQAWe are expecting the MatrixName to be either "labwater" or "blankwater" for water chemistry LABQAs and "blankmatrix" or "sediment" for sediment LABQAs. If the AnalyteName is "Chlorophyll a" the row is excluded from the check.
SW_C_150ChemistryNULL;Missing FractionName, a required field.FractionName is required to be filled out.
SW_C_151ChemistryNULL;Missing UnitName, a required field.UnitName is required to be filled out.
SW_C_152ChemistryNULL;Missing DiutionlFactor, a required field.DilutionFactor is required to be filled out. The default is 1.
SW_C_153ChemistryNULL;Missing Result, a required field.Result is required to be filled out.
SW_C_154ChemistryNULL;Missing MDL, a required field.MDL is required to be filled out.
SW_C_155ChemistryNULL;Missing RL, a required field.RL is required to be filled out.
SW_C_156ChemistryNULL;Missing LabBatch, a required field.LabBatch is required to be filled out.
SW_C_157ChemistryNULL;Missing LabAgencyCode, a required field.LabAgencyCode is required to be filled out.
SW_C_158ChemistryNULL;Missing LabSubmissionCode, a required field.LabSubmissionCode is required to be filled out.
SW_C_159ChemistryNULL;Missing SubmittingAgencyCode, a required field.SubmittingAgencyCode is required to be filled out.
SW_C_16ChemistryLABQA;Incorrect SampleDate for a LABQAFor LABQAs the SampleDate should match the DigestExtractDate if there is one, and if not, it should match the AnalysisDate. FilterBlanks are excluded.
SW_C_160ChemistryDateTime;Invalid DateTime valueThis error arises when SQL Server cannot convert the CollectionTime to a DateTime. Examples of values that cause this error are "13:30:00 AM" (the AM should be PM) and "abc" (because it is only text, not a date and/or time).
SW_C_161ChemistryDateTime;Invalid DateTime valueThis error arises when SQL Server cannot convert the PrepPreservationDate to a DateTime. Examples of values that cause this error are "13:30:00 AM" (the AM should be PM) and "abc" (because it is only text, not a date and/or time).
SW_C_162ChemistryDateTime;Invalid DateTime valueThis error arises when SQL Server cannot convert the DigestExtractDate to a DateTime. Examples of values that cause this error are "13:30:00 AM" (the AM should be PM) and "abc" (because it is only text, not a date and/or time).
SW_C_163ChemistryDateTime;Invalid DateTime valueThis error arises when SQL Server cannot convert the AnalysisDate to a DateTime. Examples of values that cause this error are "13:30:00 AM" (the AM should be PM) and "abc" (because it is only text, not a date and/or time).
SW_C_164ChemistryNumeric;Invalid Numeric valueThis error arises when SQL Server does not think the CollectionDepth is numeric data, or the value contains a '$', ',' or '\', or the value is '+', '.' or '-'. Blanks are exempt from this check.
SW_C_165ChemistryNumeric;Invalid Numeric valueThis error arises when SQL Server does not think the LabReplicate is numeric data, or the value contains a '$', ',' or '\', or the value is '+', '.' or '-'. Blanks are exempt from this check.
SW_C_166ChemistryNumeric;Invalid Numeric valueThis error arises when SQL Server does not think the DilutionFactor is numeric data, or the value contains a '$', ',' or '\', or the value is '+', '.' or '-'. Blanks are exempt from this check.
SW_C_167ChemistryNumeric;Invalid Numeric valueThis error arises when SQL Server does not think the Result is numeric data, or the value contains a '$', ',' or '\', or the value is '+', '.' or '-'. Blanks are exempt from this check.
SW_C_168ChemistryNumeric;Invalid Numeric valueThis error arises when SQL Server does not think the MDL is numeric data, or the value contains a '$', ',' or '\', or the value is '+', '.' or '-'. Blanks are exempt from this check.
SW_C_169ChemistryNumeric;Invalid Numeric valueThis error arises when SQL Server does not think the RL is numeric data, or the value contains a '$', ',' or '\', or the value is '+', '.' or '-'. Blanks are exempt from this check.
SW_C_17ChemistryBR;Was the PrepPreservationDate's time correct?This is just a warning if the time was not between 6:00AM and 7:59PM.
SW_C_170ChemistryNumeric;Invalid Numeric valueThis error arises when SQL Server does not think the ExpectedValue is numeric data, or the value contains a '$', ',' or '\', or the value is '+', '.' or '-'. Blanks are exempt from this check.
SW_C_171ChemistryBR;Was the AnalysisDate's time correct?If the time portion of AnalysisDate is not 00:00, then this error will come up unless the time was between 6:00 and 19:59.
SW_C_172ChemistryBR;Was the DigestExtractDate's time correct?If the time portion of DigestExtractDate is not 00:00, then this error will come up unless the time was between 6:00 and 19:59.
SW_C_173ChemistryBR;Unmatched LabBatch in Results WorksheetThis error comes up when the LabBatch in the Results worksheet is not listed in the LabBatch column of the LabBatch worksheet. Blank LabBatches will not trigger this error.
SW_C_174ChemistryBR;Unmatched LabBatch in LabBatch WorksheetThis error comes up when the LabBatch in the LabBatch worksheet is not listed in the LabBatch column of the Results worksheet. Blank LabBatches will not trigger this error.
SW_C_175ChemistryConstituent; LookUp;Constituent has expired.The Constituent constists of the MatrixName, MethodName, AnalyteName, FractionName, and UnitName. This error is generated when the combination of those fields is found in ConstituentLookUp but the EndDate has already passed.
SW_C_176ChemistryBR;Project does not appear to be SWAMP funded.This error comes up when the ProjectCode is not found in the ProjectLookUp table and does not start with 'SWB', 'RWB', or 'ABL'.
SW_C_177ChemistryLookUp;CollectionMethodCode not found in CollectionMethodLookUp table.The CollectionMethodCode in the Results tab did not have a match in the CollectionMethodCode column in the CollectionMethodLookUp table.
SW_C_178ChemistryLookUp;SampleTypeCode not found in SampleTypeLookUp table.The SampleTypeCode in the Results tab did not have a match in the SampleTypeCode column in the SampleTypeLookUp table.
SW_C_179ChemistryLookUp;ProjectCode not found in ProjectLookUp table.The ProjectCode in the Results tab did not have a match in the ProjectCode column in the ProjectLookUp table.
SW_C_18ChemistryBR;Was the CollectionTime correct?This is a warning if the CollectionTime was not between 6:00AM and 7:59PM. LABQA and 000NONPJ Samples that require the CollectionTime Kludge are excluded.
SW_C_180ChemistryLookUp;AgencyCode not found in AgencyLookUp table.The AgencyCode in the Results tab did not have a match in the AgencyCode column in the AgencyLookUp table.
SW_C_181ChemistryLookUp;PrepPreservationName not found in PrepPreservationLookUp table.The PrepPreservationName in the Results tab did not have a match in the PrepPreservationName column in the PrepPreservationLookUp table.
SW_C_182ChemistryLookUp;DigestExtractMethod not found in DigestExtractLookUp table.The DigestExtractMethod in the Results tab did not have a match in the DigestExtractMethod column in the DigestExtractLookUp table.
SW_C_183ChemistryLookUp;MatrixName not foud in MatrixLookUp table.The MatrixName in the Results tab did not have a match in the MatrixName column in the MatrixLookUp table.
SW_C_184ChemistryLookUp;MethodName not found in MethodLookUp table.The MethodName in the Results tab did not have a match in the MethodName column in the MethodLookUp table.
SW_C_185ChemistryLookUp;AnalyteName not found in AnalyteLookUp table.The AnalyteName in the Results tab did not have a match in the AnalyteName column in the AnalyteLookUp table.
SW_C_186ChemistryLookUp;FractionName not found in FractionLookUp table.The FractionName in the Results tab did not have a match in the FractionName column in the FractionLookUp table.
SW_C_187ChemistryLookUp;UnitName not found in UnitLookUp table.The UnitName in the Results tab did not have a match in the UnitName column in the UnitLookUp table.
SW_C_188ChemistryLookUp;ResQualCode not foud in ResQualLookUp table.The ResQualCode in the Results tab did not have a match in the ResQualCode column in the ResQualLookUp table.
SW_C_189ChemistryLookUp;QACode not found in QALookUp table.The QACode in the Results tab did not have a match in the QACode column in the QALookUp table.
SW_C_19ChemistryLABQA;CollectionTime did not follow convention for similar LABQAsThere are situations within a batch when two identical sample types are used for QA reasons and the only way to differentiate between them is to give them each a different CollectionTime. For example when more than one LabBlank, CRM or LCS is digested, extracted or analyzed in the same batch on the same day but are not replicates of each other, one CollectionTime should be 0:00 and the other 0:15.
SW_C_190ChemistryLookUp;StationCode not found in StationLookUp table.The StationCode in the Results tab did not have a match in the StationCode column in the StationLookUp table.
SW_C_191ChemistryLookUp;UnitCollectionDepth not found in UnitLookUp table.The UnitCollectionDepth in the Results tab did not have a match in the UnitName column in the UnitLookUp table.
SW_C_192ChemistryLookUp;LabAgencyCode not found in AgencyLookUp table.The LabAgencyCode in the LabBatch tab did not have a match in the AgencyCode column in the AgencyLookUp table.
SW_C_193ChemistryLookUp;LabSubmissionCode not found in LabSubmissionLookUp table.The LabSubmissionCode in the LabBatch tab did not have a match in the LabSubmissionCode column in the LabSubmissionLookUp table.
SW_C_194ChemistryLookUp;SubmittingAgencyCode not found in AgencyLookUp table.The SubmittingAgencyCode in the LabBatch tab did not have a match in the AgencyCode column in the AgencyLookUp table.
SW_C_195ChemistryLookUp;EventCode has expired.If the EventCode is found in the EventLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_196ChemistryLookUp;ProtocolCode has expired.If the ProtocolCode is found in the ProtocolLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_197ChemistryLookUp;LocationCode has expired.If the LocationCode is found in the LocationLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_198ChemistryLookUp;CollectionMethodCode has expired.If the CollectionMethodCode is found in the CollectionMethodLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_199ChemistryLookUp;SampleTypeCode has expired.If the SampleTypeCode is found in the SampleTypeLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_2ChemistryConstituent; LookUp;Constituent not found in ConstituentLookUpThe Constituent constists of the MatrixName, MethodName, AnalyteName, FractionName, and UnitName. This error is generated when the combination of those fields is not found in ConstituentLookUp.
SW_C_20Chemistry000NONPJ;CollectionTime did not follow convention for similar 000NONPJsThere are situations within a batch when two identical sample types are used for QA reasons and the only way to differentiate between them is to give them each a different CollectionTime. For example when more than one 000NONPJ sample is digested, extracted or analyzed in the same batch on the same day but are not replicates of each other and are not from the same native sample, one CollectionTime should be 0:00 and the other 0:15.
SW_C_200ChemistryLookUp;ProjectCode has expired.If the ProjectCode is found in the ProjectLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_201ChemistryLookUp;AgencyCode has expired.If the AgencyCode is found in the AgencyLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_202ChemistryLookUp;PrepPreservationName has expired.If the PrepPreservationName is found in the PrepPreservationLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_203ChemistryLookUp;DigestExtractMethod has expired.If the DigestExtractMethod is found in the DigestExtractLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_204ChemistryLookUp;MatrixName has expired.If the MatrixName is found in the MatrixLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_205ChemistryLookUp;MethodName has expired.If the MethodName is found in the MethodLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_206ChemistryLookUp;AnalyteName has expired.If the AnalyteName is found in the AnalyteLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_207ChemistryLookUp;FractionName has expired.If the FractionName is found in the FractionLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_208ChemistryLookUp;UnitName has expired.If the UnitName is found in the UnitLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_209ChemistryLookUp;ResQualCode has expired.If the ResQualCode is found in the ResQualLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_21Chemistry000NONPJ;LabBatch was neither _W_, _S_, nor _B_ for a 000NONPJThis is only a warning. When the StationCode is 000NONPJ, following the LabBatch naming convention of using "_W_", "_S_", or "_B_" is the only way to differentiate between water, sediment, and benthic samples. If the convention is not followed, the checks for 000NONPJs only will not be run.
SW_C_210ChemistryLookUp;QACode has expired.If the QACode is found in the QALookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_211ChemistryLookUp;StationCode has expired.If the StationCode is found in the StationLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_212ChemistryLookUp;UnitCollectionDepth has expired.If the UnitCollectionDepth is found in the UnitLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_213ChemistryLookUp;LabAgencyCode has expired.If the LabAgencyCode is found in the AgencyLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_214ChemistryLookUp;LabSubmissionCode has expired.If the LabSubmissionCode is found in the LabsubmissionLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_215ChemistryLookUp;SubmittingAgencyCode has expired.If the SubmittingAgencyCode is found in the AgencyLookUp table, this error will come up if it's EndDate is in the past.
SW_C_216ChemistryLookUp;LocationCode not found in LocationLookUp table.The LocationCode in the Results tab did not have a match in the LocationCode column in the LocationLookUp table.
SW_C_217ChemistryBR; LABQA;CollectionTime was not "00:00" (nor "00:15", "00:30", etc.) or is missing a sample with a time 15 minutes prior for a LABQA sample.This check makes sure that the CollectionTime is either "00:00" or that a multiple of 15 minutes has been added to it. If the CollectionTime is not "00:00" then there has to be another record with the same SampleTypeCode, LabBatch, StationCode, and SampleDate with a CollectionTime that is 15 minutes prior.
SW_C_218ChemistryBR; 000NONPJ;CollectionTime was not "00:00" (nor "00:15", "00:30", etc.) or is missing a sample with a time 15 minutes prior for a 000NONPJ sample.This check makes sure that the CollectionTime is either "00:00" or that a multiple of 15 minutes has been added to it. If the CollectionTime is not "00:00" then there has to be another record with the same LabBatch, StationCode, and SampleDate with a CollectionTime that is 15 minutes prior.
SW_C_219ChemistryBR;Same MDL/RL reported for differing dilutions of an analyte within the same batchThis error should come up when two rows have the same LabBatch, AnalyteName, MDL, and RL but have different DilutionFactors.
SW_C_22Chemistry000NONPJ;EventCode was not WQ for a Chemistry 000NONPJIf the StationCode is "000NONPJ" and the LabBatch contains either "_W_" or "_S_" then the Eventcode should be "WQ".
SW_C_220ChemistryDuplicate;Duplicate entry in Results WorksheetThis error comes up when there are two rows with the same values for columns B-N and Q-AB (StationCode, EventCode, ProtocolCode, LocationCode, SampleDate, CollectionTime, CollectionMethodCode, SampleTypeCode, Replicate, CollectionDepth, UnitCollectionDepth, ProjectCode, AgencyCode, PrepPreservationName, PrepPreservationDate, DigestExtractMethod, DigestExtractDate, LabBatch, AnalysisDate, LabReplicate, MatrixName, MethodName, AnalyteName, FractionName, and UnitName).
SW_C_223ChemistryBR:Rlog expected for bacteria data.This error comes up when the LabReplicate is 2, the AnalyteName is one of "Enterococcus", "Salmonella", or "Cryptosporidium", or it contains "coli", and the LabResultComments does not contain "Rlog".
SW_C_224ChemistryBR;Rlog not in expected format.If the LabResultComments contains "Rlog" then it is expected to be in this format: Rlog # > #, Rlog # < #, Rlog # >= #, or Rlog # <= #, where # can be any number. The Rlog should always be calculable so this error will come up for "Rlog not calculable".
SW_C_225ChemistryBR;Rlog not less than or equal to criteria; QACode required.This error comes up when "ILN" is not part of the QACode and the LabResultComments contained Rlog # > #.
SW_C_23Chemistry000NONPJ;ProtocolCode should have been "Not Applicable" for a Chemistry 000NONPJIf the StationCode is "000NONPJ" and the LabBatch contains either "_W_" or "_S_" then the ProtocolCode should be "Not Applicable".
SW_C_24Chemistry000NONPJ;LocationCode should have been "Not Recorded" for a Chemistry 000NONPJIf the StationCode is "000NONPJ" and the LabBatch contains either "_W_" or "_S_" then the LocationCode should be "Not Recorded".
SW_C_25Chemistry000NONPJ;Invalid 000NONPJ SampleTypeCodeIf the StationCode is "000NONPJ", the SampleTypeCode should be either "Grab or "MS1"
SW_C_26Chemistry000NONPJ;Incorrect SampleDate for a 000NONPJFor 000NONPJs the SampleDate should match the DigestExtractDate if there is one, and if not, it should match the AnalysisDate. LabBatches that do not contain either "_W_" or "_S_" are excluded from this check.
SW_C_27Chemistry000NONPJ;CollectionMethodCode should be "Not Recorded" for a Chemistry 000NONPJIf the StationCode is "000NONPJ", the CollectionMethodCode should be "Not Recorded". LabBatches that do not contain either "_W_" or "_S_" are excluded from this check.
SW_C_28Chemistry000NONPJ;Replicate should have been "1" for a Chemistry 000NONPJIf the StationCode is "000NONPJ", the Replicate should be "1". LabBatches that do not contain either "_W_" or "_S_" are excluded from this check.
SW_C_29Chemistry000NONPJ;UnitCollectionDepth was neither "m" nor "cm" for a Chemistry 000NONPJIf the StationCode is "000NONPJ", the UnitCollectionDepth should be either "m" or "cm". LabBatches that do not contain either "_W_" or "_S_" are excluded from this check.
SW_C_3ChemistryLABQA;LabBatch was neither _W_, _S_, nor _B_ for a LABQAThis is only a warning. For LABQAs, following the LabBatch naming convention of using "_W_", "_S_", or "_B_" is the only way to differentiate between water, benthic, and sediment samples. If the convention is not followed, the checks for LABQAs only will not be run.
SW_C_30Chemistry000NONPJ;ProjectCode should have been "Not Applicable" for a Chemistry 000NONPJIf the StationCode is "000NONPJ", the ProjectCode should be "Not Applicable". LabBatches that do not contain either "_W_" or "_S_" are excluded from this check.
SW_C_31Chemistry000NONPJ;Incorrect LabReplicate for a Chemistry 000NONPJIf the StationCode is "000NONPJ", the LabReplicate should be either "1" or "2". LabBatches that do not contain either "_W_" or "_S_" are excluded from this check.
SW_C_32Chemistry000NONPJ;MatrixName was not "samplewater", "sediment", or ''benthic'' for a Chemistry 000NONPJIf the StationCode is "000NONPJ", the MatrixName should be either "samplewater", "sediment", or ''benthic''. LabBatches that do not contain either "_W_", "_S_", or ''_B_'' are excluded from this check.
SW_C_33ChemistryBR;LabSampleID indicates a duplicate but SampleTypeCode does not.If the LabSampleID ends in "ms" or "msd" then the SampleTypeCode should start with "MS".
SW_C_34ChemistryBR;This LabSampleID has multiple StationCode/SampleTypeCode/SampleDate combinations.Each LabSampleID should correspond to only one StationCode, SampleTypeCode, and SampleDate. LABQAs can have multiple SampleDates. This error should not come up for blank LabSampleIDs or StationCodes of "000NONPJ". Please filter on the LabSampleID to see where the problem lies.
SW_C_35ChemistryBR;Incorrect PrepPreservationDateThe PrepPreservationDate should be >= the SampleDate if the PrepPreservationName is supplied, or if the PrepPreservationName was either blank or "None", then the date should be the default "01/Jan/1950 00:00". 000NONPJ and LABQA data are excluded.
SW_C_36ChemistryBR;Incorrect DigestExtractDateIf there was a DigestExtract then the DigestExtractDate needs to be >= the SampleDate. If the DigestExtractMethod was either blank or "None", then the DigestExtractDate should be the default "01/Jan/1950 00:00".
SW_C_37ChemistryBR;StationCode with multiple LabSampleIDs but matching Replicates and SampleTypes.This error is generated when there is a StationCode with multiple LabSampleIDs that have the same LabBatch, SampleDate, CollectionTime, SampleTypeCode, Replicate, LabReplicate, CollectionMethodCode, AnalyteName, MatrixName, FractionName, and CollectionDepth. LABQAs are ignored by this check.
SW_C_38ChemistryBR;Differing dependent values for a StationCode/LabSampleID combinationFor each unique StationCode/LabSampleID combination, the following fields are expected to be the same: SampleDate, CollectionTime, UnitCollectionDepth, EventCode, ProtocolCode, LocationCode, CollectionMethodCode, ProjectCode, and AgencyCode. StationCodes of "LABQA" and "000NONPJ" are excluded.
SW_C_39ChemistryBR;LabBatch with multiple UnitCollectionDepthsAll entries with the same LabBatch should have the same UnitCollectionDepth.
SW_C_4ChemistryLABQA;EventCode was not WQ for a Chemistry LABQAIf the StationCode is "LABQA" and the LabBatch contains either "_W_" or "_S_" then the Eventcode should be "WQ".
SW_C_40ChemistryBR;AnalysisDate/Time was more than 24 hours after earliest AnalysisDate/Time in the LabBatch.If the AnalysisDate for a row is more than 24 hours (coded as more than 1440 minutes) greater than the earliest AnalysisDate in the LabBatch, this error will come up. Analytes with Group of "Organics" are excluded.
SW_C_41ChemistryBR;Result was not -MDL for an NDWhen the ResQualCode is "ND" the Result should be the negative of the MDL unless both the Result and MDL are "-88".
SW_C_42ChemistryBR;ResQualCode was not ND for a negative resultThe only situation where the Result should be negative is if the ResQualCode is "ND" or "NR". If the Result is "-88" then a ResQualCode of "NA" is allowed.
SW_C_43ChemistryBR;Result was not -88 for a ResQualCode of NRA Result of "-88" requires a ResQualCode of "NR".
SW_C_44ChemistryBR;LabResultComments expected when ResQualCode is NRA ResQualCode of "NR" is required to be explained in the LabResultComments.
SW_C_45ChemistryBR;Result was not within the MDL and RL for a DNQWhen the ResQualCode is "DNQ" the Result should be >= the MDL and < the RL.
SW_C_46ChemistryBR;The MDL and RL cannot both be "-88"Either the MDL or the RL may be "-88" but not both. The exceptions are if the UnitName is "%" or the AnalyteName is "Moisture", "Lipid", or ends with "(Surrogate)".
SW_C_47ChemistryBR;RL not >= MDLThe Reporting Limit is expected to be greater than or equal to the Method Detection Limit.
SW_C_48ChemistryBR;ExpectedValue required based on SampleTypeCodeA non-zero ExpectedValue is required if the SampleTypeCode is one of the following: "MS1", "MS2", "LCS", "CRM" or "MSBLDup" and the UnitName is not "%".
SW_C_49ChemistryBR;Incorrect UnitCollectionDepthUnitCollectionDepth should be "m" for water chemistry samples and "cm" for sediment samples. LabBatches containing "_W_" indicate water chemistry samples, "_S_" denotes sediment samples.
SW_C_5ChemistryLABQA;ProtocolCode was not "Not Applicable" for a LABQAIf the StationCode is "LABQA" and the LabBatch contains either "_W_" or "_S_" then the ProtocolCode should be "Not Applicable".
SW_C_50ChemistryBR;Expected LabReplicate higher than 1This error is caused by a LabSampleID ending in "MSD", "D", or "dup", suggesting the entry is a Duplicate or Matrix Spike Duplicate while the Replicate and LabReplicate are both "1". StationCodes of "LABQA" and SampleTypeCodes of "FieldBLDup" are excluded, as are results that are the only one of it's analyte in the batch.
SW_C_51ChemistryMS;Could not find the MS this is a duplicate ofA SampleTypeCode beginning with "MS" along with a LabSampleID ending in "D", "MSD", or "Dup" denotes a Matrix Spike Duplicate. The matrix spike it is a duplicate of should have the same StationCode, EventCode, ProtocolCode, LocationCode, SampleDate, CollectionTime, CollectionMethodCode, SampleTypeCode, Replicate, CollectionDepth, UnitCollectionDepth, ProjectCode, and AgencyCode; It's LabSampleID should not end in "MSD", "D", or "Dup".
SW_C_52ChemistryMS;Could not find the native sample for this MSIf the SampleTypeCode begins with "MS" there should be another record with the same StationCode, EventCode, ProtocolCode, LocationCode, SampleDate, CollectionTime, CollectionMethodCode, CollectionDepth, UnitCollectionDepth, ProjectCode, AgencyCode, PrepPreservationName, PrepPreservationDate, DigestExtractMethod, DigestExtractDate, LabBatch, MatrixName, MethodName, AnalyteName, FractionName, and UnitName. "MS1" will only match a native with a Replicate of "1". "MS2" will only match a native with a Replicate of "2". "MSBLDup" will only match samples with a SampleTypeCode of "CompBLDup" or "FieldBLDup". Matches cannot have SampleTypeCodes beginning with "MS". StationCodes of "000NONPJ" or rows with a QACode of "QAX" are excluded.
SW_C_53ChemistryMS;Matrix spike matched multiple native samplesThis error comes up when a Matrix Spike (Identified by a SampleTypeCode of 'MS1', 'MS2', or 'MSBLDup') matches multiple Native Samples by having columns B-H, J-N, Q-U, W-AB in common, while the match has a LabReplicate of '1' and a SampleTypeCode that does not begin with 'MS'. Additionally, an MS1 will only match rows with a Replicate of '1' where the SampleTypeCode is not 'FieldBLDup'; an MS2 will only match rows with a Replicate of '1' where the SampleTypeCode is not 'FieldBLDup'; an MSBLDup will only match rows where the SampleTypeCode is 'FieldBLDup'.
SW_C_54ChemistryBR;Did not expect LabReplicate to be 2This error arises when the LabReplicate is "2" but the StationCode is not "LABQA" and the LabSampleID does not suggest it is a Duplicate or a MSD (By ending in 'R2', 'D', '2', 'MS2', or containing 'MSD' or 'Dup').
SW_C_55ChemistryBR;Sample not found in databaseColumns B-N uniquely identify a sample. The sample is normally input prior to lab analysis. Without the sample in the database, the rest of the data cannot be loaded. StationCodes of "LABQA" and "000NONPJ" are excluded as are SampleTypeCodes of "MS*".
SW_C_56ChemistryBR;Incorrect MatrixNameThe only MatrixNames currently accepted are "samplewater", "sediment, interstitialwater", "sediment", "sedimentsuspended", "sediment, <63 um", ''sediment, 63 um to 2 mm'', ''samplewater, particulate, >200 um'', ''samplewater, particulate, >125 to 200 um'', ''samplewater, particulate, >35 to 125 um'', ''samplewater, particulate, >5 to 35 um'', ''samplewater, particulate, >1.2 to 5 um'', ''samplewater, particulate, 63 um to 2 mm'', ''samplewater, particulate, <63 um'', ''samplewater, <200 um'', ''samplewater, <125 um'', ''samplewater, <35 um'', ''samplewater, <5 um'', ''samplewater, <1.2 um'', ''samplewater, <200 um'', ''benthic'', and ''effluent'' unless the StationCode is either "LABQA" or "FIELDQA" or the SampleTypeCode is "DIBlank", "EquipBlank", "FieldBlank", "FilterBlank" or "TravelBlank".
SW_C_58ChemistryBR;Possible Incorrect MatrixName for LABQAIf the StationCode is "LABQA" the MatrixName is not expected to be ''samplewater'', ''samplewater, particulate, >200 um'', ''samplewater, particulate, >125 to 200 um'', ''samplewater, particulate, >35 to 125 um'', ''samplewater, particulate, >5 to 35 um'', ''samplewater, particulate, >1.2 to 5 um'', ''samplewater, particulate, 63 um to 2 mm'', ''samplewater, particulate, <63 um'', ''samplewater, <200 um'', ''samplewater, <125 um'', ''samplewater, <35 um'', ''samplewater, <5 um'', ''samplewater, <1.2 um'', ''samplewater, <200 um'', ''effluent'', or ''benthic''. Additionally, if the LabBatch doesn't contain '_S_' then the MatrixName is not expected to be ''sediment, interstitialwater'', ''sediment'', ''sedimentsuspended'', ''sediment, <63 um'', ''sediment, 63 um to 2 mm'', or ''effluent''.
SW_C_59ChemistryBR;Expected MatrixName of "blankwater", "labwater", or "PBSWater" for a SampleTypeCode of [SampleTypeCode]The MatrixName is expected to be "labwater", "PBSwater" or "blankwater" for the following SampleTypeCodes: "DIBlank", "EquipBlank", "FieldBlank", "FilterBlank" and "TravelBlank".
SW_C_6ChemistryLABQA;LocationCode was not "Not Applicable" for a LABQAIf the StationCode is "LABQA" and the LabBatch contains either "_W_" or "_S_" then the LocationCode should be "Not Applicable".
SW_C_60ChemistryMDL;Multiple MDLs for the same analyte in the same batchFor water chemistry batches (those with a '_W_' in the name), the MDL is expected to be the same for all rows with the same AnalyteName, DilutionFactor and LabBatch.
SW_C_61ChemistryRL;Multiple RLs for the same analyte in the same batch.For water chemistry batches (those with a MatrixName ending in "water"), the RL is expected to be the same for all rows with the same AnalyteName, DilutionFactor and LabBatch. The same applies to MatrixNames of "benthic", except the following analytes are excluded "Chlorophyll a", "AFDM_Algae", and "Pheophytin a". A QACode of "RE" excludes the row from this check. This error will only come up once per LabBatch/AnalyteName combination.
SW_C_63ChemistryBR;Multiple UnitNames for the same analyte in the same batchThe UnitName is expected to remain the same for all rows with the same AnalyteName and LabBatch.
SW_C_64ChemistryBR;A,MD or QI LabSubmissionCode not explained in LabBatchCommIf the LabSubmissionCode is "A,MD" or "QI" then the LabBatchComm should not be blank.
SW_C_66ChemistryPR;Incorrectly formatted/missing PRThe LabResultComments should include the Percent Recovery in the format of PR XX.X for SampleTypeCodes of "MS1", "MS2", "LCS","CRM" and "MSBLDup". UnitNames of '% Recovery' are excluded, as are AnalyteNames of "Moisture" or containing 'Surrogate'. If the QACode contains "BB" then LabResultComments containing "not calculable" are excluded.
SW_C_67ChemistryBR;FractionName was "Dissolved" or "Particulate" with no filtration listed in the PrepPreservationNameIt is expected that the PrepPreservationName contain "Filtered" if the FractionName is "Dissolved" or "Particulate". Rows with "OrthoPhosphate as P" or "Suspended Sediment Concentration" as the AnalyteName, or "LABQA" as the StationCode are excluded.
SW_C_68ChemistryBR;Incorrectly formatted/missing RPDThe LabResultComments should include the Relative Percent Difference in the format of RPD XX.X when the LabReplicate is 2. Rows with AnalyteNames of "Moisture" or containing 'surrogate', UnitNames of '% Recovery', SampleTypeCodes of 'LabBlank', or ResQualCodes of 'NR' are exempted. If the QACode contains "BB" then LabResultComments containing "not calculable" are excluded, as are all LabResultComments containing "Rlog".
SW_C_69ChemistryBR;Incorrectly formatted/missing RSDThe LabResultComments should include the Relative Standard Deviation in the form of RSD XX.X for SampleTypeCodes of "MS1", "MS2", "LCS","CRM" and "MSBLDup" when the highest LabReplicate is 3 or higher. Groups are rows that all have the same StationCode, ProtocolCode, EventCode, SampleTypeCode, Replicate, PrepPreservationName, DigestExtractMethod, LabBatch, MatrixName, MethodName, AnalyteName, FractionName, UnitName, CollectionTime, and SampleDate. Rows with a UnitName of '%' are exempted.
SW_C_7ChemistryLABQA;CollectionMethodCode should be "Not Applicable" for a LABQAIf the StationCode is "LABQA" and the LabBatch contains either "_W_" or "_S_" then the CollectionMethodCode should be "Not Applicable".
SW_C_70ChemistryMDL;MDL is negative but not -88This error is given when the MDL is less than 0, but not equal to -88.
SW_C_71ChemistryRL;RL is negative but not -88This error is given when the RL is less than 0, but not equal to -88.
SW_C_72ChemistryLabBatch;LabBatch data did not match what was already in the database.If the LabBatch is already in the LabBatchLookUp table, this error will arise if the supplied AgencyCode, LabSubmissionCode, SubmittingAgency, or LabBatchComments differ from what is in the database.
SW_C_73ChemistryBR;Dilutionfactor &gt 1 without a QACode of "D"This error comes up when the DilutionFactor is greater than 1, and the QACode is not "D". QACodes containing "D,", ",D," or ",D" will also prevent the error from arising.
SW_C_74ChemistryBR;Time portion of AnalysisDate required for this analyte.If the minute and hour portion of the AnalysisDate are both 0, then this error will come up for certain analytes where the hold time is important. Those analytes are ''BOD'', ''BOD10day'', ''Nitrite as N'', ''OrthoPhosphate as P'', ''Turbidity'', ''E. coli'', ''E. Coli O157:H7'', ''Enterococcus'', ''Coliform'', ''Streptococcus', and "Color"'. If the PrepPreservationName does not contain "Acidified" then the following Analytes are also checked: ''Ammonia as N'', and ''Nitrate + Nitrite as N''. If the PrepPreservationName does not contain "Frozen" or "FreezeDried" then the following analytes are checked: ''Chlorophyll a'', and ''Pheophytin a'''. If the QACode does not contain "HT" then the analyte ''Nitrate as N'' is checked. StationCodes of "LABQA" are excepted.
SW_C_75ChemistryBR;Reporting effluent matrix; when submitting data please comment that effluent was intended to be submittedIf a MatrixName is "effluent" this error will come up once per file. The user is expected to add a comment in the comments box on the submittal page to let the SWAMP DMT know it was intentional.
SW_C_76ChemistryBR;Incorrect ResQualCode appliedIf the Result is less than the RL or MDL, and is not "-88", this error will come up for ResQualCodes that are "%" or blank.
SW_C_77ChemistrySize;LabSampleID exceeded maximum size of 35.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 35 characters.
SW_C_78ChemistryNULL;Missing QACode, a required field.QACode is required to be filled out.
SW_C_79ChemistryDateTime;Invalid DateTime valueThis error arises when SQL Server cannot convert the SampleDate to a DateTime. Examples of values that cause this error are "13:30:00 AM" (the AM should be PM) and "abc" (because it is only text, not a date and/or time).
SW_C_8ChemistryLABQA;Replicate was not "1" for a LABQAIf the StationCode is "LABQA" and the LabBatch contains either "_W_" or "_S_" then the Replicate should be "1".
SW_C_80ChemistryNumeric;Invalid Numeric valueThis error arises when SQL Server does not think the Replicate is numeric data, or the value contains a '$', ',' or '\', or the value is '+', '.' or '-'. Blanks are exempt from this check.
SW_C_81ChemistryLookUp;EventCode not found in EventLookUp table.The value for the EventCode column in the Results tab did not have a match in the EventCode column in the EventLookUp table.
SW_C_82ChemistryLookUp;ProtocolCode not found in ProtocolLookUp table.The ProtocolCode in the Results tab did not have a match in the ProtocolCode column in the ProtocolLookUp table.
SW_C_83ChemistryLabBatch;Unmatched LabBatch in [Excel_Tab] WorksheetEach LabBatch listed in the Results worksheet must be listed in the LabBatch worksheet and vice versa.
SW_C_84ChemistryDuplicate;Duplicate entry in LabBatch WorksheetEach LabBatch should be listed once and only once on the LabBatch tab.
SW_C_85ChemistryDuplicate;Duplicate entry in Results WorksheetThe Results Worksheet had two identical rows except for the LabSampleID, possibly.
SW_C_86ChemistryDuplicate;LabBatch already exists in databaseThe LabBatch was already found in the database. Data has already been submitted for it but it is not necessarily complete. This error is more of a warning.
SW_C_87ChemistrySize;StationCode exceeded maximum size of 9.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 9 characters.
SW_C_88ChemistrySize;EventCode exceeded maximum size of 20.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 20 characters.
SW_C_89ChemistrySize;ProtocolCode exceeded maximun size of 50.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 50 characters.
SW_C_9ChemistryLABQA; 000NONPJ;CollectionDepth was not "-88" for a QA or Non-Project SampleIf the StationCode is "LABQA", "FIELDQA", or "000NONPJ", the CollectionDepth should be "-88". FIELDQA SampleTypes of "Integrated", "Grab", "MSBLDup", "MS1", and "MS2" are excluded.
SW_C_90ChemistrySize;LocationCode exceeded maximum size of 50.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 50 characters.
SW_C_91ChemistrySize;SampleDate exceeded maximum size of 50.Dates should be less than 50 characters. Perhaps something is wrong with the format.
SW_C_92ChemistrySize;CollectionTime exceeded maximum size of 50.Dates and times should be less than 50 characters. Perhaps something is wrong with the format.
SW_C_93ChemistrySize;CollectionMethodCode exceeded maximum size of 50.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 50 characters.
SW_C_94ChemistrySize;SampleTypeCode exceeded maximum size of 20.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 20 characters.
SW_C_95ChemistrySize;Replicate exceeded maximum size of 10.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 10 characters.
SW_C_96ChemistrySize;CollectionDepth exceeded maximum size of 25.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 25 characters.
SW_C_97ChemistrySize;UnitCollectionDepth exceeded maximum size of 50.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 50 characters.
SW_C_98ChemistrySize;ProjectCode exceeded maximum size of 25.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 25 characters.
SW_C_99ChemistrySize;AgencyCode exceeded maximum size of 20.The length of the value supplied in the excel file exceeded the maximum length allowed by the SWAMP Database, which is 20 characters.