SWAMP Data Checker
Supported by the State Water Resources Control Board

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

SWAMP Data Management Resources Webpage --- Checker Home --- Data Submittal Form

Welcome to the SWRCB SWAMP Online Data Checker.

This tool is provided to SWAMP team members and laboratories to check data submission files, within SWAMP 2.5 templates, for formatting, lookup list values, and SWAMP business rules. SWAMP 2.5 Templates, documentation and other resources can be found on the SWAMP Data Management Resources Webpage.

The Checker will process your file and return a summary of results (a table of errors and a table of warnings with a count of each error or warning type). You can then click on a count to see the Excel row number and value that is causing each error/warning instance. Please correct as many errors as possible prior to submission. Files may be checked as many times as needed. Please note that the SWAMP Online Data Checker is intended for SWAMP projects only. Non-SWAMP projects may utilize this checker, however the valid lookup values utilized by this checker and the submission feature is for SWAMP funded projects only. If your project is not a part of SWAMP, please contact your appropriate CEDEN Regional Data Center to submit your data for upload.

If you need assistance please contact the OIMA Help Desk (OIMA-HelpDesk@waterboards.ca.gov).